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Analysis of integration of electricity from renewable energy sources into energy system of the island of Mljet by comparison of EnergyPLAN and NEPLAN energy planning tools

Authors :
Ivačić, Mirko
Krajačić, Goran
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje., 2016.


U ovom radu opisana je analiza integracije električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora u energetski sustav otoka Mljeta primjenom EnergyPLAN i NEPLAN alata za energetsko planiranje. Kako bi se odredio utjecaj obnovljivih izvora na energetski sustav otoka korišten je NEPLAN model te je dan opis samog programa i modula koje on koristi. S obzirom na to da su analize i mogućnosti korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije na otoku Mljetu opisane u nekoliko istraživačkih radova, ukratko su se opisali rezultati tih proračuna i korišteni model. S ciljem definiranja ulaznih podataka napravljena je analiza elektroenergetskog sustava otoka Mljeta i njegove potrošnje. U EnergyPLAN modelu proračunata je potrebna snaga fotonaponskih panela uz uvjet 5% „kritičnog viška proizvodnje električne energije“. U NEPLAN modelu je napravljen proračun tokova snage po čvorovima mreže te je snaga dobivena EnergyPLAN modelom unesena u NEPLAN model i raspoređena po distribucijskoj mreži otoka Mljeta. Napravljena je usporedba s proizvodnjom fotonaponskih elektrana i bez njih. Zaključak je dan na kraju, prije popisa literature. This thesis describes the analysis of the integration of electricity from renewable energy sources into energy system of the island of Mljet using EnergyPLAN and NEPLAN energy planning tools. To determine the impact of renewable energy sources on the energy system of the island NEPLAN model was used and at the beginning was NEPLAN and modules that he uses described. Since are the analysis and the possibility of using renewable energy sources on the island of Mljet described in several research papers, the results of those calculations and model which was used are briefly described. With the aim of defining the input data the analysis of the power system of the island of Mljet and its consumption were made. In Energy plan model it was calculated required output of photovoltaic panels providing the 5% of the critical excess electricity production. In NEPLAN model it was calculated load flow per network nodes and the power calculated in EnergyPLAN model was entered in NEPLAN model and deployed per the distribution network of the island. A comparison with the production by photovoltaic power plants and without them was made. The conclusion is given at the end, before references.


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