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Cantilever crane with traveling winch

Authors :
Bulović, Iva
Hoić, Matija
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje., 2023.


Tema ovog završnog rada je koncipirati i konstruirati konzolni granik za poslove održavanja pogonskih uređaja čeličnih konstrukcija i uređaja vrlo velike nosivosti. Granik mora biti moguće rastaviti, sastaviti, ručno prenositi te mora biti omogućeno oslanjanje na unaprijed pripremljene prirubnice na konstrukciji na kojoj se vrše radovi. Kako bi se omogućilo sastavljanje, rastavljanje i prenošenje, svaki podsustav granika ne smije imati više od 50 kg. Granik se sastoji se od vitla s lancem i elektromotorom, promjena dohvata, tj. vožnja po dohvatniku i rotacija ostvaruju se ručnim pogonom. U prvom dijelu provedena je analiza tržišta i razrađeni su koncepti. Odabran je optimalni koncept s kojim se išlo u daljnju razradu, proračun kritičnih dijelova te izradu 3D CAD modela. Naposljetku je izrađena tehnička dokumentacija. 3D model i sva tehnička dokumentacija izrađena je u programskom paketu Solidworks 2020. The topic of this undergraduate thesis is conceptualization and design of a console crane which is used for maintenance of steel structures and devices with very high loading capacity. The crane must be able to be disassembled, assembled, and transported manually, and it must be possible to connect the crane on pre-prepared flanges on the structure on which the work is being performed. In order to allow assembly, disassembly and transport, each subsystem of the crane must not weigh more than 50 kg. The crane consists of a chain winch and an electric motor, the change of reach and rotation is achieved by manual drive. In the first part of the thesis, market analysis was carried out and the concepts were developed. An optimal concept was chosen, which was used for further development, the calculation of critical parts and the creation of a 3D CAD model. Finally, the technical documentation was created. The 3D model and all technical documentation was created in the Solidworks 2020 software package.


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