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Authors :
Bilandžić, Ines
Borovac Zekan, Senka
Rakušić Cvrtak, Katja
Roje, Antonija
Publication Year :


Tema ovog završnog rada jest primjena društvenog korisnog učenja kroz volonterski angažman. Rad obrađuje tematiku volontiranja i društveno korisnog učenja. U radu su definirane vrste i osnovni pojmovi vezani uz volontiranje. Osim volontiranja, definiran je i pojam društveno korisnog učenja kao pojam usko povezan uz volontiranje. Između ostalog, navedene su prednosti i nedostatci primjene navedenih koncepata kao neformalnih oblika učenja, te njihova ključna razlika. Autorica rada je detaljnije istražila čimbenike koji utječu na motivaciju volontera na uključivanje u volonterski angažman kao i njihove stavove naspram volontiranju. Rezultati empirijskog dijela rada donijeli su uvid u motive uključivanja volontera u volonterski rad. Na kraju rada prezentirani su odgovori ispitanika prikupljeni anonimnom online anketom. Rezultati su analizirani, te objašnjeni metodom komparacije, tekstualnom analizom i grafičkim prikazima.<br />The topic of this final thesis is the application of socially practical learning through volunteer engagement. The paper deals with the topic of volunteering and socially practical learning. The paper defines the types and basic terms related to volunteering. In addition to volunteering, socially beneficial learning is also defined as a term closely related to volunteering. Among other things, the advantages and disadvantages of applying these concepts as informal forms of learning and their key difference are listed. The paper's author reveals the factors that influence the motivation of volunteers to engage in volunteer engagement, as well as their attitudes towards volunteering. The results of the empirical part of the work revealed what motivates volunteers to do volunteer work. The respondents' answers collected through an anonymous online survey were presented at the end of the paper. The results were analysed and explained using the method of comparison, textual analysis and graphical representations.


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