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The importance of cultural, sports, religious and gastro tourism for the development of Belišće
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku., 2022.
- Unutar Belišća se uz razvoj samoga grada također, razvijao i turizam. Tijekom svih ovih godina prisutni su kulturni, vjerski, sportski i gastro turizam čiji se sadržaji mogu pronaći unutar programa raznih manifestacija koje se organiziraju tijekom cijele godine. Kulturni je turizam temeljen na obitelji Rosenberg koje se smatra početkom belišćanskog kulturnog života, kojeg je nastavio razvijati Sigmund Romberg skupa s ostalim izvođačima unutar glumačke i glazbene sfere. Sportovi u Belišću počeli su se pojavljivati početkom 20. stoljeća, među kojima su nogomet, košarka i kajakaštvo kao poznatiji sportovi u ovome gradu, a od svih lokalnih sportaša najveći je utjecaj ostavio kajakaš Matija Ljubek kroz njegova postignuća na raznim natjecanjima, između ostalog i na Olimpijskim igrama. Vjerski je turizam temeljen na povijesti izgradnje lokalne crkve. Unatoč mnogim preprekama ona je danas razvijena pod nazivom župa sv. Josipa Radnika. Belišćanska crkva, uz Svetište svete Ane, glavna je atrakcija koju nudi belišćanski vjerski turizam. Kao zadnju granu turizma važno je spomenuti gastro turizam koji nudi okuse lokalne kuhinje kroz mnoge manifestacije u Belišću. Ove četiri grane turizma su temelji sveukupnog turizma u Belišću, te svaka grana je na svoj način važna za razvoj ovoga grada. Istraživanjem mišljenja ljudi o stanju turizma dolazi se do zaključka da se ispitanicima sviđa trenutni sadržaj, ali može se poboljšati kroz bolje oglašavanje i dodavanje novog i zabavnog sadržaja. Within Belišće tourism was being developed along with the city's development. During all these years cultural, religious, sports, and gastro - tourism are present, the contents of which can be found inside of programs of various events that are organized throughout the year. Cultural tourism is based on the Rosenberg family, who are considered to be the beginning of Belišće's cultural life and it was further developed by Sigmund Romberg, along with other performers inside the acting and musical sphere. Sports in Belišće began to appear at the start of the 20th century, among which football, basketball and kayaking were more famous sports in this city, and from all the local athletes, kayaker Matija Ljubek left the biggest impact through his accomplishments in various competitions, including the Olympic Games. Religious tourism is based on the history regarding the building of the local church. Despite many obstacles, nowadays the church is developed by the name Parish of st. Josip Radnik. Belišće's church, along with the sanctuary of st. Ana, is the main attraction that's being offered by the religious tourism of Belišće. As the last branch of tourism, it's important to mention the gastro – tourism which is offering the tastes of the local kitchen through many events in Belišće. These four tourism branches are the foundation of collective tourism in Belišće, and each branch is important for the development of this city in its own way. By researching the opinions of people regarding the state of tourism, a conclusion is reached that the subjects like the current content, but it can be improved through better advertisement and adding new and fun content.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......9510..fa47d36fedcee21fc35be61399b0b51c