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- Publication Year :
- 2021
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku., 2021.
- Predstava Dnevnik solerice, hrvatske autorice Jasmine Rodić, premijerno je izvedena 9. travnja 2021. godine u Gradskom kazalištu Požega u režiji Roberta Raponje. Ujedno je i praktični dio diplomskog ispita iz glume studentice Lucije Subotić na Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku, Kazališni odsjek, smjer gluma i lutkarstvo, pod mentorstvom red. prof. art. Roberta Raponje i sumentorstvom doc. art. Katice Šubarić. Dramatizaciju istoimenog romana potpisuje izv. prof. art. Marijana Nola, kostimografiju i scenografiju izv. prof. dr. art. Jasmina Pacek, a glazbu univ. spec. art. therap. Marina Hojsak. Uz Luciju Subotić u predstavi igraju: Anabela Sulić, Blanka Bart, Mateja Bublić, Vanja Čiča, Dominik Karaula, Davor Tarbuk, Grgur Grgić, Lorenco Tolić i Marijin Kuzmičić. U ovom radu Lucija Subotić analizira proces rada na predstavi Dnevnik solerice u kojoj tumači lik Jasmine. Na početku rada govori o romanu koji je bio predložak za dramatizaciju po kojoj je nastala predstava. Zatim se dotiče same autorice romana kao i autorskog tima predstave. Analizira sve od prvog čitanja romana, dramaturške obrade, preko uspostavljanja modela igre, govoreći o važnosti kostimografije, scenografije, rekvizite, glazbe i svjetla u cijelom procesu. U nastavku opisuje svoj rad na ulozi, unutarnja i vanjska sredstva kojima se služila otjelotvorujući uloge Jasmine. Ističe da rad na sebi, istinsko proživljavanje i samospoznaja glumca dovode do potpunog scenskog i privatnog oslobođenja. Zatim izvodi zaključak o glumi i radu na predstavi. The play Dnevnik solerice, written by a Croatian author Jasmina Rodić, had its premiere on the 9th April 2021 in the City Theatre Požega staged by Robert Raponja. It was at the same time a practical component of a master thesis in acting made by a student Lucija Subotić at the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, Department of Theatre Arts, mentored by Full Proffesor Robert Raponja, and submentored by Assistant Professor Katica Šubarić. The dramatization of the novel having the same name as the play is attributed to Assistant Professor Marijana Nola, cotume and stage design to Proffesor Jasmina Pacek, and music to University Specialist in Art Therapy Marina Hojsak. Beside Lucija Subotić, there are other actors in the play: Anabela Sulić, Blanka Bart, Mateja Bublić, Vanja Čiča, Dominik Karaula, Davor Tarbuk, Grgur Grgić, Lorenco Tolić and Marijin Kuzmičić. In her master thesis, Lucija Subotić analyses the process of work on the play Dnevnik solerice, in which she interpretes the character of Jasmina. The novel, which was the foundation for creating a dramatization of the play, is explained at the beginning of the thesis. Then the thesis touches on the author of the novel and the authoring team of the play. The first reading of the novel, dramatugical interpretation, the establishment of the play, the importance of costume and stage design, props, music and lights are analysed in this thesis. Furthermore, Lucija Subotić explains her creative work on the role, in other words, she analyses the text, her work on the character and extrinsic and intrinsic means, which she user to portray Jasmina. She emphasizes that the work on oneself, actual experience and self- cognition of an actor bring to the full stage and private liberation. In the end she draws a conclusion about acting and working on the play.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......9510..6acfe42ca62dc8de3983cf9a2dc80683