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What can cyberpunk teach us about theory of information society?

Authors :
Čavar, Teo
Nikodem, Krunoslav
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Filozofski fakultet. Odsjek za sociologiju., 2022.


Cilj je ovog rada analizom cyberpunka i informacijskog društva pronaći njihova zajednička obilježja te uz pomoć sociološke imaginacije mapirati ključne probleme suvremenog društva. Prikazana su ključna djela cyberpunka kao distopije: Blade Runner, Matrix i Ready Player One. Ukazano je na povezanost umjetnosti i stvarnosti, ali i na potencijal umjetnosti za promišljanje o stvarnosti i budućnosti. Tehnologija je bitni element koji povezuje cyberpunk i informacijsko te je stoga ona postavljena u fokus. Rasprava se odvija na tri razine: pojedinca, društva i svijeta. Definirani su sljedeći problemi: kibernetički prostor, transhumanizam, kapitalizam, siromaštvo, ekološka katastrofa i nedostatak resursa. Pokušalo se ukazati na elemente cyberpunka danas, upozoriti na mogući razvoj tih elemenata u budućnosti te pokazati da je vizija budućnosti čovječanstva doista slična cyberpunku. The aim of this paper is to find their common characteristics by analyzing cyberpunk and the information society, and with the help of sociological imagination to map the key problems of contemporary society. The key works of cyberpunk as a dystopia are shown: Blade Runner, The Matrix and Ready Player One. The connection between art and reality was pointed out, but also the potential of art to reflect on reality and the future. Technology is an essential element that connects cyberpunk and information, and therefore it is placed in focus. The discussion takes place on three levels: the individual, the society and the world. The following problems are defined: cyberspace, transhumanism, capitalism, poverty, ecological disaster and scarcity of resources. An attempt was made to point out the elements of cyberpunk today, to warn about the possible development of these elements in the future, and to show that the vision of the future of humanity is indeed similar to cyberpunk.


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