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The emergence of crony capitalism

Authors :
Tustić, Tin
Štulhofer, Aleksandar
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Filozofski fakultet. Odsjek za sociologiju., 2021.


Tranzicijski put koji je počeo raspadom jugoslavenskog socijalističkog sustava i prijelazom na demokratski sustav, i danas usporava razvoj hrvatskog društva. Za objašnjenje tog makro-sociološkog društvenog procesa koristi se alat analitičke sociologije: kauzalni mehanizam. Kauzalni mehanizam omogućuje plauzibilno objašnjenje makro-sociološkog odnosa pomoću mikro-sociološke dimenzije. Spuštanjem na razinu aktera dobivamo uvid u mehanizme koji su pomogli stvaranju ortačkog kapitalizma. Tako je situacija, u kojoj su se našli članovi HDZ-a nakon uvjerljive pobjede na izborima, gdje su dobili pristup državnim resursima i direktan utjecaj na proces privatizacije, stvorila kod drugih aktera vjerovanje da se članstvom u HDZ-u može profitirati. To vjerovanje otvorilo je prostor za nepotizam i korupciju, jer se suradnja s vladajućima u tom trenutku činila optimalnom (brza materijalna korist). Kada se takav način djelovanja usustavio, dogodila se transformacija u sustav ortačkog kapitalizma. The transitional path began with the decomposition of a socialistic system of Yugoslavia and with the transition to a democratic system. That transitional path is still slowing down the development of Croatia. To explain that macro-sociological phenomena we will use the casual mechanism which is used in analytical sociology. Casual mechanism will give us the plausible explanation of macro-sociological relation by observing micro-sociological dimension. Observing the agent enables us to see the mechanisms that helped to create crony capitalism. The situation, where members of HDZ have won the election, and have taken the control of government and its resources, where they have had a big influence on the process of privatization. That situation helped to create the belief that cooperation with HDZ will benefit agents that wanted to participate in the process of privatization. That belief enabled nepotism and corruption, because agents believed that they will benefit from cooperation with HDZ. When such an agency becomes a pattern, that's the moment when the system starts to transform to the crony capitalism.


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