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A Novel 8-Predictors Signature to Predict Complicated Disease Course in Pediatric-onset Crohn’s Disease: A Population-based Study

Authors :
Sarter, Hélène
Savoye, Guillaume
Marot, Guillemette
Ley, Delphine
Turck, Dominique
Hugot, Jean-Pierre
Vasseur, Francis
Duhamel, Alain
Wils, Pauline
Princen, Fred
Colombel, Jean-Frédéric
Gower-Rousseau, Corinne
Fumery, Mathurin
Al Hameedi, R
Al Khatib, M
Al Turk, S
Agoute, E
Andre, J
Antonietti, M
Aouakli, A
Armand, A
Armengol-Debeir, L
Aroichane, I
Assi, F
Aubet, J
Auxenfants, E
Avram, A
Ayafi-Ramelot, F
Azzouzi, K
Bankovski, D
Barbry, B
Bardoux, N
Baron, P
Baudet, A
Bayart, P
Bazin, B
Bebahani, A
Becqwort, J
Bellati, S
Benet, V
Benali, H
Benard, C
Benguigui, C
Ben Soussan, E
Bental, A
Berkelmans, I
Bernet, J
Bernou, K
Bernou-Dron, C
Bertot, P
Bertiaux-Vandaële, N
Bertrand, V
Billoud, E
Biron, N
Bismuth, B
Bleuet, M
Blondel, F
Blondin, V
Bobula, M
Bohon, P
Bondjemah, V
Boniface, E
Bonkovski, D
Bonnière, P
Bonvarlet, E
Bonvarlet, P
Boruchowicz, A
Bostvironnois, R
Boualit, M
Bouazza, A
Bouche, B
Boudaillez, C
Bourgeaux, C
Bourgeois, M
Bourguet, A
Bourienne, A
Boutaleb, H
Bouthors, A
Branche, J
Bray, G
Brazier, F
Breban, P
Bridenne, M
Brihier, H
Bril, L
Brung-Lefebvre, V
Bulois, P
Burgiere, P
Butel, J
Canva, J
Canva-Delcambre, V
Capron, J
Cardot, F
Carette, S
Carpentier, P
Cartier, E
Cassar, J
Cassagnou, M
Castex, J
Catala, P
Cattan, S
Catteau, S
Caujolle, B
Cayron, G
Chandelier, C
Chantre, M
Charles, J
Charneau, T
Chavance-Thelu, M
Cheny, A
Chirita, D
Choteau, A
Claerbout, J
Clergue, P
Coevoet, H
Cohen, G
Collet, R
Colin, M
Colombel, J
Coopman, S
Cordiez, L
Corvisart, J
Cortot, A
Couttenier, F
Crinquette, J
Crombe, V
Dadamessi, I
Daoudi, H
Dapvril, V
Davion, T
Dautreme, S
Debas, J
Decoster, S
Degrave, N
Dehont, F
Delatre, C
Delcenserie, R
Delesalle, D
Delette, O
Delgrange, T
Delhoustal, L
Delmotte, J
Demmane, S
Deregnaucourt, G
Descombes, P
Desechalliers, J
Desmet, P
Desreumaux, P
Desseaux, G
Desurmont, P
Devienne, A
Devouge, E
Devred, M
Devroux, A
Dewailly, A
Dharancy, S
Di Fiore, A
Djedir, D
Djedir, R
Doleh, W
Dreher-Duwat, M
Dubois, R
Duburque, C
Ducatillon, P
Duclay, J
Ducrocq, B
Ducrot, F
Ducrotte, P
Dufilho, A
Duhamel, C
Dujardin, D
Dumant-Forest, C
Dupas, J
Dupont, F
Duranton, Y
Duriez, A
Duveau, N
El Achkar, K
El Farisi, M
Elie, C
Elie-Legrand, M
Elkhaki, A
Eoche, M
Essmaeel, E
Evrard, D
Evrard, J
Fatome, A
Filoche, B
Finet, L
Flahaut, M
Flamme, C
Foissey, D
Fournier, P
Foutrein-Comes, M
Foutrein, P
Fremond, D
Frere, T
Gallais, P
Gamblin, C
Ganga, S
Gerard, R
Geslin, G
Gheyssens, Y
Ghossini, N
Ghrib, S
Gilbert, T
Gillet, B
Godart, D
Godard, P
Godchaux, J
Godchaux, R
Goegebeur, G
Goria, O
Gottrand, F
Gower, P
Grandmaison, B
Groux, M
Guedon, C
Guerbeau, L
Gueroult-Dero, M
Guillard, J
Guillem, L
Guillemot, F
Guimberd, D
Haddouche, B
Hakim, S
Hanon, D
Hautefeuille, V
Heckestweiller, P
Hecquet, G
Hedde, J
Hellal, H
Henneresse, P
Heyman, B
Heraud, M
Herve, S
Hochain, P
Houssin-Bailly, L
Houcke, P
Huguenin, B
Iobagiu, S
Istanboli, S
Ivanovic, A
Iwanicki-Caron, I
Janicki, E
Jarry, M
Jeu, J
Joly, J
Jonas, C
Jouvenet, A
Katherin, F
Kerleveo, A
Khachfe, A
Kiriakos, A
Kiriakos, J
Klein, O
Kohut, M
Kornhauser, R
Koutsomanis, D
Laberenne, J
Lacotte, E
Laffineur, G
Lagarde, M
Lalanne, A
Lalieu, A
Lannoy, P
Lapchin, J
Laprand, M
Laude, D
Leblanc, R
Lecieux, P
Lecleire, S
Leclerc, N
Le Couteulx, C
Ledent, J
Lefebvre, J
Lefiliatre, P
Le Goffic, C
Legrand, C
Le Grix, A
Lelong, P
Leluyer, B
Lemaitre, C
Lenaerts, C
Lepeut, G
Lepileur, L
Leplat, A
Lepoutre-Dujardin, E
Leroi, H
Leroy, M
Le Roy, P
Lesage, B
Lesage, J
Lesage, X
Lescanne-Darchis, I
Lescut, J
Lescut, D
Leurent, B
Levy, P
Lhermie, M
Libier, L
Lion, A
Lisambert, B
Loge, I
Loire, F
Loreau, J
Louf, S
Louvet, A
Lubret, L
Luciani, M
Lucidarme, D
Lugand, J
Macaigne, O
Maetz, D
Maillard, D
Mancheron, H
Manolache, O
Marks-Brunel, A
Marre, C
Marti, R
Martin, F
Martin, G
Marzloff, E
Mathurin, P
Mauillon, J
Maunoury, V
Maupas, J
Medam Djomo, M
Mechior, C
Melki, Z
Mesnard, B
Metayer, P
Methari, L
Meurisse, B
Meurisse, F
Michaud, L
Mirmaran, X
Modaine, P
Monthe, A
Morel, L
Mortier, P
Moulin, E
Mouterde, O
Mozziconaci, N
Mudry, J
Nachury, M
Ngo, M
N’guyen Khac, Eric
Notteghem, B
Ollevier, V
Ostyn, A
Ouraghi, A
Oussadou, B
Ouvry, D
Paillot, B
Painchart, C
Panien-Claudot, N
Paoletti, C
Papazian, A
Parent, B
Pariente, B
Paris, J
Patrier, P
Paupard, T
Pauwels, B
Pauwels, M
Penninck, E
Petit, R
Piat, M
Piotte, S
Plane, C
Plouvier, B
Pollet, E
Pommelet, P
Pop, D
Pordes, C
Pouchain, G
Prades, P
Prevost, A
Prevost, J
Quartier, G
Quesnel, B
Queuniet, A
Quinton, J
Rabache, A
Rabelle, P
Raclot, G
Ratajczyk, S
Rault, D
Razemon, V
Reix, N
Renaut-Vantroys, T
Revillion, M
Riachi, G
Richez, C
Robinson, P
Rodriguez, J
Roger, J
Roux, J
Rudelli, A
Saber, A
Savoye, G
Schlossberg, P
Sefrioui, D
Segrestin, M
Seguy, D
Seminur, C
Serin, M
Seryer, A
Sevenet, F
Shekh, N
Silvie, J
Simon, V
Spyckerelle, C
Talbodec, N
Tavernier, N
Tchandeu, H
Techy, A
Thelu, J
Thevenin, A
Thiebault, H
Thomas, J
Thorel, J
Thuillier, C
Tielman, G
Tode, M
Toisin, J
Tonnel, J
Touchais, J
Toumelin, P
Touze, Y
Tranvouez, J
Triplet, C
Triki, N
Turck, D
Uhlen, S
Vaillant, E
Valmage, C
Vanco, D
Vandaele-Bertiaux, N
Vandamme, H
Vanderbecq, E
Vander Eecken, E
Vandermolen, P
Vandevenne, P
Vandeville, L
Vandewalle, A
Vandewalle, C
Vaneslander, P
Vanhoove, J
Vanrenterghem, A
Vanveuren, C
Varlet, P
Vasies, I
Verbiese, G
Verlynde, J
Vernier-Massouille, G
Vermelle, P
Verne, C
Vezilier-Cocq, P
Vigneron, B
Vincendet, M
Viot, J
Voiment, Y
Wacrenier, A
Waeghemaecker, L
Wallez, J
Wantiez, M
Wartel, F
Weber, J
Willocquet, J
Wizla, N
Wolschies, E
Zaharia, O
Zaoui, S
Zalar, A
Zaouri, B
Zellweger, A
Ziade, C
Beaugerie, L
Allez, M
Ruemmele, F
Lamer, A
Roy, M
CHU Lille
Institute for Translational Research in Inflammation - U 1286 (INFINITE (Ex-Liric))
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille)
Nutrition, Inflammation et axe Microbiote-Intestin-Cerveau (ADEN)
Université de Rouen Normandie (UNIROUEN)
Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB)
Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Rouen Normandie (UNIROUEN)
Normandie Université (NU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB)
Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Normandie Université (NU)
Service d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie [CHU Rouen]
Hôpital Charles Nicolle [Rouen]
CHU Rouen
Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-CHU Rouen
Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rouen Normandie (UNIROUEN)
Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694 (METRICS)
Université de Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille)
Service des Maladies de l'Appareil Digestif et de la Nutrition [CHRU Lille]
Hôpital Claude Huriez [Lille]
CHU Lille-CHU Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille)
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims (CHU Reims)
Périnatalité et Risques Toxiques - UMR INERIS_I 1 (PERITOX)
Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS)-Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)-CHU Amiens-Picardie
CHU Amiens-Picardie
Registre EPIMAD
Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-CHU Amiens-Picardie-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille)
Department of Colloid Chemistry [Potsdam]
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Groupe de Recherche sur l'alcool et les pharmacodépendances - UMR INSERM_S 1247 (GRAP)
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
Source :
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
Publication Year :
Publisher :
HAL CCSD, 2023.


International audience; Background The identification of patients at high risk of a disabling disease course would be invaluable in guiding initial therapy in Crohn’s disease (CD). Our objective was to evaluate a combination of clinical, serological, and genetic factors to predict complicated disease course in pediatric-onset CD. Methods Data for pediatric-onset CD patients, diagnosed before 17 years of age between 1988 and 2004 and followed more than 5 years, were extracted from the population-based EPIMAD registry. The main outcome was defined by the occurrence of complicated behavior (stricturing or penetrating) and/or intestinal resection within the 5 years following diagnosis. Lasso logistic regression models were used to build a predictive model based on clinical data at diagnosis, serological data (ASCA, pANCA, anti-OmpC, anti-Cbir1, anti-Fla2, anti-Flax), and 369 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms. Results In total, 156 children with an inflammatory (B1) disease at diagnosis were included. Among them, 35% (n = 54) progressed to a complicated behavior or an intestinal resection within the 5 years following diagnosis. The best predictive model (PREDICT-EPIMAD) included the location at diagnosis, pANCA, and 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms. This model showed good discrimination and good calibration, with an area under the curve of 0.80 after correction for optimism bias (sensitivity, 79%, specificity, 74%, positive predictive value, 61%, negative predictive value, 87%). Decision curve analysis confirmed the clinical utility of the model. Conclusions A combination of clinical, serotypic, and genotypic variables can predict disease progression in this population-based pediatric-onset CD cohort. Independent validation is needed before it can be used in clinical practice.


Language :
10780998 and 15364844
Database :
Journal :
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
Accession number :
Full Text :⟩