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Investigation of dependence between carcass weight and skatole content in fatty tissue of young boars

Authors :
Parunović, Nenad
Radović, Čedomir
Parunović, Jasmina
Petrović, Milica
Source :
Tehnologija mesa
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, 2008.


This paper presents the result of investigation of skatole content in fatty tissue of young boars and its relation to carcass weight. A half of examined caracasses weight below 70 kg. The other half weight 0,296 ìg/g of fatty tissue. These results showed weak correlation with carcasses weight (rxy = 0,129). Average skatole content in fatty tissue of young boars with carcass weight below 70 kg was 0,186 ìg/g, while the young boars with carcass weight above 70 kg skatole content was 0,406 ìg/g. Statistically significant difference can be observed between these two groups (P (lt) 0,01). According to our results 46,67% of fatty tissue samples, skatole content was more than 0,25 ìg/g. while 63,33 of samples skatole conent was in the range of 0,20 ìg/g to 0,25 ìg/g. . U ovom radu prezentovani su rezultati ispitivanja sadržaja skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova kao i njegova zavisnost od mase trupova mladih nerastova. Polovina ispitivanih trupova imala je masu ispod 70 kg, a druga polovina, jednaku, ili veću od 70 kg. Prosečan sadržaj skatola iznosio je 0,296 ìg/g masnog tkiva, i imao je jako slabu korelacionu zavisnost sa masom trupova (rxy = 0,129). Prosečan sadržaj skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova, čija je masa trupova bila ispod 70 kg iznosio je 0,186 ìg/g, dok je kod mladih nerastova sa masom trupova iznad 70 kg prosečan sadržaj skatola iznosio 0,406 ìg/g. Između prosečnog sadržaja skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova mase trupa ispod i iznad 70 kg postoji statistički značajna razlika (P (lt) 0,01). Prema našim rezultatima, u 46,67 posto uzoraka masnog tkiva sadržaj skatola iznosio je više od 0,25 ìg/g, a u 63,33 posto uzoraka sadržaj skatola kretao se u opsegu 0,20 ìg/g do 0,25 ìg/g. .


Database :
Journal :
Tehnologija mesa
Accession number :