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Internet of Things Service Discovery

Authors :
Pelicarić, Katarina
Kušek, Mario
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva., 2017.


U današnjem Internetu značajno raste broj jednostavnih uređaja poput senzorskih čvorova koji prikupljaju i odašilju podatke s različitih senzora. Povećanjem procesorske moći senzorskih čvorova te mogućnošću pristupa senzorskim čvorovima putem Interneta javljaju se novi izazovi. Jedan od izazova je otkriti uređaje i usluge koje se nude u fizičkom prostoru oko korisnika. U ovom diplomskom radu istraženi su i analizirani mehanizmi otkrivanja uređaja i usluga u fizičkoj okolini korisnika, u domeni Interneta stvari. Na studijskom primjeru otkrivanja i korištenja usluga, koristeći tehnologiju Bluetooth, demonstrirana je izvedivost odabranog mehanizama. In today’s Internet there is a growing number of simple devices such as sensor nodes that collect and transmit data from different sensors. By increasing the processor power of sensor nodes and the ability to access sensor nodes over the Internet, new challenges are appearing. One of the challenges is to discover devices and services that are offered in the physical space around the user. In this master thesis, the mechanisms for detecting devices and services in the physical environment of users in the domain of Internet of Things, are investigated and analyzed. In the study example of the discovery and use of services, using Bluetooth technology, the feasibility of the selected mechanism has been demonstrated.


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