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Authors :
Jerković, Petra
Muhvić-Urek, Miranda
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište u Rijeci. Medicinski fakultet. Katedra za oralnu medicinu i parodontologiju., 2020.


Parkinsonova bolest (PB) je progresivni neurodegenerativni poremećaj obilježen bradikinezijom, rigidnošću, tremorom i posturalnom nestabilnosti. U završnom radu istražene su oralne manifestacije i učinci Parkinsonove bolesti na funkciju struktura u usnoj šupljini. Isto tako istražene su smjernice dentalne terapije te preporuke oralne higijene za ovu skupinu bolesnika. Pretražena literatura je pokazala kako bolesnici s PB-om zbog više čimbenika kao što su: oštećenje motorike, apatija, depresija i demencija mogu imati veće poteškoće u oralnoj zdravstvenoj praksi. Lijekovi za neurodegenerativne bolesti mogu prouzročiti kserostomiju, što će dovesti do nastanka oralnih infekcija i zubnog karijesa. Također može doći i do drugih problema poput bruksizma, suhog grla, gingivitisa, edema jezika i lošeg okusa. Većina bolesnika s PB-om ima poteškoća u svakodnevnoj oralnoj higijeni obzirom da važne aktivnosti poput četkanja zuba, korištenja zubnog konca i čišćenja zubne proteze obavljaju daleko rjeđe od zdravih osoba iste dobi. Tijekom dentalno-medicinskog liječenja takvim bolesnicima potrebno je posvetiti maksimalnu pažnju kao bi se unaprijedilo njihovo oralno zdravlje a time i kvaliteta života. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by manifestations such as bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, and postural instability. This final thesis researched the relationship between oral health and Parkinson's disease, which has its manifestations and effects on the functional structure in the oral cavity. Guidelines for correct dental therapy and recommendations of oral hygiene for this group of patients were also investigated. Research has shown that patients with PD may have greater difficulty with practicing oral health due to several factors: movement impairment, apathy, depression, and dementia. Medications for neurodegenerative diseases can produce xerostomia, which can lead to infection and dental caries. It can also produce other problems such as bruxism, dry throat, gingivitis, tongue edema and abnormal taste. Most patients with PB have difficulty with their daily oral hygiene. Important activities such as brushing teeth, flossing and cleaning dentures are performed far less frequently than by healthy people of the same age. During dental treatments, such patients need to be given maximum attention in order to improve their oral health and thus their quality of life.


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