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- Publication Year :
- 2019
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Splitu. Sveučilišni odjel zdravstvenih studija., 2019.
- CILJ: Cilj ovog rada je prikazati broj zadržanih pobačaja s obzirom na dob pacijentica, učestalost u prethodnim trunoćama te metodu indukcije pobačaja u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. METODE: Istraživanje je provedeno u KBC-u Split, u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od siječnja do veljače 2019. godine. U istraživanju je korištena medicinska dokumentacija ispitanica s medicinskom dijagnozom zadržanog pobačaja (lat. Abortus retentus) koje su bile hospitalizirane u razdoblju od 2014. do 2018. godine. Promatrani parametri su bili broj zadržanih pobačaja, demografske karakteristike ispitanica, dob. Od klinički promatranih parametara promatralo se liječenje zadržanih pobačaja indukcijom prepidila i/ili karboprostom. REZULTATI: Pacijentice s dijagnozom zadržanog pobačaja su u rasponu 17- 47 godina starosti. Ukupan broj zadržanih pobačaja u razdoblju od 2014.-2018.g imalo je 130 pacijentica. U prethodnim trudoćama 36 pacijentica (27,69%) imalo je jedan ili više pobačaja. Tijekom indukcije poroda, liječnici su u večini slučajeva koristili prepidil gel i/ili ampule karboprosta. Od 130 pacijentica, kod 101 pacijentice (77,59%) indukcija poroda je započeta prepidil gelom, dok je kod 31 pacijentice (27,69%) indukcija poroda započeta ampulama karboprosta. Kombinaciju prepidil gela i ampula karboprosta u indukciji poroda imalo je 26 pacijentica (20%). ZAKLJUČAK: Provedeno istraživanje je pokazalo da se najviše zadržanih pobačaja događa između 10-og i 20-og tjedna trudnoće. Tijekom liječenja zadržanog pobačaja samo u dva slučaja je bilo komplikacija. U oba slučaja radilo se o prekomjernom krvarenju, jedan se dogodio tijekom kiretaže, dok se drugi dogodio nakon kiretaže maternice. Uzrok prekomjernog krvarenja nije bio poznat. AIM: The aim of this study is to present the number of abortions with regard to the age of patients, the frequency of previous pregnancies, and the method of inducing abortions at the Clinic for Women's Diseases and Births, Clinical Hospital Center Split. METHODS: The study was conducted at KBC Split, at the Clinic for Female Diseases and Births. The survey was conducted between January and February 2019. The study used the medical records of respondents with a medical diagnosis of delayed abortion (Lat. Abortus retentus) who were hospitalized between 2014 and 2018. The observed parameters were the number of abortions withheld, the demographic characteristics of the respondents, age. Treatment of delayed abortions by prepidyl induction and / or carboprost was observed from the clinically observed parameters. RESULTS: Patients diagnosed with delayed abortion ranged in age from 17 to 47 years. The total number of abortions withheld in the period 2014-2018 was 130 patients. In previous pregnancies, 36 patients (27.69%) had one or more miscarriages. During the induction of childbirth, doctors used prepidyl gel and / or carboprost ampoules in most cases. Of the 130 patients, in 101 patients (77.59%), the induction of labor was initiated by prepidyl gel, while in 31 patients (27.69%), the induction of labor was initiated by carboprost ampoules. 26 patients (20%) had a combination of prepidyl gel and carboprost ampoules in childbirth induction. CONCLUSION: The conducted research showed that most abortions occur between the 10th and the 20th week of pregnancy. There were complications in the treatment of delayed abortion in only two cases. In both cases, it was excessive bleeding, one occurred during the curettage, while the other occurred after the uterine curettage. The cause of the excessive bleeding was unknown.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......4112..d409a9eb93bd10ba3386c4d7f820a81c