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Authors :
Jadrijević, Ana
Mateljak, Željko
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Ekonomski fakultet., 2018.


U ovome radu analiziraju se ekonomski učinci organizacije u poduzeću Draga Sadra d.o.o.,Sinj. Najveća je pozornost na rezultate poslovanja i raspodjela ostvarenih rezultata. Dakle, od čega se sastoji fizički proizvod, kao i osvrt na ukupne prihode kao osnovnu bazu i cilj poslovanja svakog poduzeća, u kome možemo vidjeti i jako dobre rezultate prihodovanja promatranog poduzeća. Rashodi kao također jako bitan čimbenik, su kod ovog poduzeća jako dobro kontrolirana stavka, te ne prelaze veće iznose, dakle naše promatrano poduzeće ostvaruje jako dobre prihode, a ne prelazi granice nezdravih rashoda. Također je napravljen osvrt na dobit kao rezultat poslovanja općenito kao bitnu stavku bilo kakve vrste poslovanja, u kome promatramo kako dobro raspodijeliti ostvarene rezultate, kao i koja je uloga kolektivnih ugovora u reguliranju raspodjele poduzeća. Naknadno je detaljnije opisano poslovanje promatranog poduzeća, koristeći horizontalnu i vertikalnu analizu poslovanja, prikazano kroz tablice, kao i teoretski pojašnjene stavke iz analiza. Analizom djelatnosti poduzeća promatrano je dosadašnje kretanje i uspoređivanje sa sadašnjim stanjem. Također je napravljena i analiza kupaca i konkurencije, da bi se moglo što detaljnije proučiti stanje koje bi usmjerilo poduzeće na pravi put poslovanja. Zaključno, poduzeće uz uhodan poslovni proces, kvalitetan proizvod, kao i stalne kupce, nema straha za lošim rezultatima. In this paper, we analyzed the economic effects of the organization in Draga Sadra d.o.o. In the first part, the greatest attention is paid to the results of the business and the distribution of the achieved results. So, which consists of a physical product, as well as a review of total revenue as the basic base and the business goal of each business, in which we can see a very good result of the revenue of the observed enterprise. Expenditures as a very important factor in this company are a very well controlled item and they do not exceed the larger amounts, so our observed company generates very good revenues and does not exceed the limits of unhealthy expenditures. Furthermore, a review of profits was made as a result of operations in general as an essential item of any kind of business, in which we observe how to distribute the achieved results well as the role of collective arrangements in regulating the company's distribution. In the next section, we took a little better and more detailed account of the company's business, using horizontal and vertical business analysis, presented in the tables, as well as theoretically-enhanced items from the analysis. By analyzing the activities of the company, we have observed the current trends and compared it with the present situation. Customer and competition analysis has also been developed so that it could be more appropriate to look at the situation that would direct the company to the right business. In conclusion, an enterprise with an in-business business process, a quality product, as well as permanent buyers, has no fear of bad results.


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