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Utjecaj obilježja poduzeća na profitabilnost poduzeća u djelatnosti trgovine

Authors :
Miloš, Tina
Pepur, Sandra
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Ekonomski fakultet., 2017.


Kako bi se utvrdila uspješnost poslovanja određenog subjekta, potrebno je analizirati njegovo poslovanje određenim metodama te prikazati određenim ekonomskim pokazateljima. Na profitabilnost poslovanja utječu brojni čimbenici. Čimbenici mogu biti iz makrookoline, industrije u kojoj poduzeće djeluje te iz mikrookoline poduzeća. Rad se bazira na utjecaje obilježja poduzeća na profitabilnost poslovanja u djelatnosti trgovine na malo. Empirijski dio istraživanja proveden je na uzorku 50 poduzeća iz djelatnosti trgovine na malo, metodom višestruke regresije. Testiran je utjecaj specifičnih obilježja poduzeća - prihoda od prodaje, likvidnosti, zaduženosti, veličine poduzeća, starosti poduzeća i dana vezivanja obveza, na profitabilnost mjerenu profitnom maržom. Različitim statističkim metodama i testovima se došlo do zaključka da obilježja poduzeća - likvidnost i dani vezivanja obveza, statistički značajno i pozitivno utječu na profitabilnost poslovanja odabranih poduzeća u sektoru trgovine na malo. Ostala obilježja poduzeća nisu pokazala statistički utjecaj na profitabilnost poslovanja. In order to determine the performance of a given entity, it is necessary to analyze its business using certain methods and to show certain economic indicators. Indicator analysis is one of the most frequently used assessment tools. Business profitability is influenced by many factors. Factors can be from macro-clones, the industry in which the company operates and from the micro-business of the company. The paper is based on the influence of the company's characteristics on the profitability of operations in the retail trade. The empirical part of the research was carried out on a sample of 50 small retail businesses, the multiple regression method. The impact of the company's specific characteristics - sales revenue, liquidity, indebtedness, enterprise size, company age and commitment date - were tested on profitability measured by profit margin. Various statistical methods and tests have come to the conclusion that the characteristics of the company - liquidity and the dates of bonds binding, have a statistically significant and positive impact on the profitability of the business of selected companies in the retail trade sector. Other business features did not show any statistical impact on the profitability of the business.


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