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Volatile compounds of Dalmatian sage leaves and flowers : bachelor thesis

Authors :
Magdalenić, Katarina
Radonić, Ani
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet. Odsjek za kemiju., 2018.


Kadulja (Salvia officinalis L.) je samonikla ljekovita i aromatična biljka rasprostranjena u mediteranskog dijelu Hrvatske, a posebno u Dalmaciji. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti profil hlapljivih spojeva dalmatinske kadulje, i to odvojeno listova, a odvojeno cvjetova, odnosno odrediti sastav i sadržaj ovih spojeva. Radi što potpunijeg uvida u sastav i sadržaj hlapljivih spojeva pripremljena su tri uzorka hlapljivih spojeva, eterično ulje, vršne pare i apsolut. Analiza uzoraka provedena je plinskom kromatografijom-masenom spektrometrijom (GC/MS). Terpenski spojevi su kvalitativno i kvantitativno najvažniji sastojci eteričnog ulja, vršnih para i apsoluta listova i cvjetova kadulje. Glavni sastojci eteričnog ulja listova kadulje su terpenski alkoholi 1,8-cineol i borneol te keton kamfor, a eteričnog ulja cvjetova alkoholi viridiflorol i izoborneol, ugljikovodik -humulen te keton kamfor. U vršnim parama listova i cvjetova kadulje identificirani su svi spojevi. Svi sastojci vršnih para listova i cvjetova kadulje su terpeni, sa -humulenom kao glavnim sastojkom u vršnim parama listova i -pinenom u vršnim parama cvjetova. Za razliku od eteričnih ulja i vršnih para, apsolut listova kadulje karakterizira visoki udio masnih kiselina, 30,4 % u apsolutu cvjetova i 21,1 % u apsolutu listova. Ipak, kvalitativno i kvantitativno, i u apsolutima kadulje dominiraju terpenski spojevi kao što su epimanool, borneol i - gurjunen u apsolutu listova te epimanool, feruginol, pisiferol, -humulen i -gurjunen u apsolutu cvjetova kadulje. Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) is a wild-growing medicinal and aromatic plant which is widespread in the Mediterranean part of Croatia, especially in Dalmatia. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical profile of Dalmatian sage volatile compounds, separately of leaves and flowers, and determine the composition and content of these compounds. For more complete insight into the composition and content of volatile compounds, three samples of volatile compounds were prepared, namely essential oil, headspace and absolute. Analysis of all samples was carried out by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Terpenes are qualitatively and quantitatively the most important ingredients of essential oils, headspaces and absolutes of sage leaves and flowers. The major constituents of leaves essential oil were terpene alcohols 1,8-cineol and borneol as well as ketone camphor, while the main constituents of flowers essential oil were alcohols viridiflorol and isoberneol, hydrocarbon -humulene as well as ketone camphor. All the compounds of leaves and flowers headspace were identified. All constituents of leaves and flowers headspace are terpenes, with -humulene as the main constituent of the leaves headspace and -pinene as the main constituent of the flowers headspace. Opposite to the essential oils and headspaces, sage absolutes were characterized by a high content of fatty acids, 30,4 % in flowers absolute and 21,1 % leaves absolute. However, qualitatively and quantitatively, terpenes were dominating compounds in sage absolutes, such as epimanool, borneol i -gurjunene in leaves absolute and epimanool, ferruginol, pisiferol, -humulene i -gurjunene in sage flowers absolute.


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