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Authors :
Čizmić, Josipa
Šerić, Neven
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Ekonomski fakultet., 2017.


Osnovna svrha ovog završnog rada je ukazati na značaj primjene marketinga u razvoju funkcije prodaje hotelskih kapaciteta. Hotelsku prodaju je potrebno promatrati sa aspekta marketinškog procesa poslovanja koji podrazumijeva kreiranje proizvoda na osnovu potreba potrošača, gdje se upravo zadovoljavanjem želja i potreba tih istih potrošača, ostvaruje dobit i osigurava egzistencija. S obzirom na dinamičnost turističkog tržišta, marketinški timovi su zaduženi za praćenje turističkih trendova i u skladu s njima, osmisliti i provoditi inovacije kako bi hotelski proizvod postao prepoznatljiv na tržištu. Osim tradicionalnog marketinga, veliki naglasak je na gerilskom marketingu. Gerilski marketing je oblik marketinške strategije koja minimalnim ulaganjem i nekonvencionalnim metodama oglašavanja nastoji ostvariti maksimalan učinak. Bluesun Hotels & Resorts je odličan primjer kako primjena gerilskog marketinga pozitivno utječe na rast profita svih hotela u grupaciji. Neprekidnim istraživanjem ciljanih emitivnih tržišta, odgovaranjem na najnovije trendove i kvalitetnom uslugom, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts vodi efikasnu prodaju politiku služeći se raznim kanalima distribucije. The main purpose of this final paper is to highlight the importance of marketing in the development of the sales functions of hotel facilities. It is necessary to observe hotel sale through the aspect of marketing process of work that includes the creation of the products based on consumer needs. Just by satisfying those needs, profit is generated and livelihood is provided. Considering the dynamism of the tourism market, marketing teams are responsible for monitoring tourism trends and accordingly design and implement innovation so that the hotel product is recognized on the market. Besides traditional marketing, major emphasis is on guerilla marketing. Guerilla marketing is a marketing strategy that tries to achieve maximum profit with minimum investment and unconventional methods of advertising. Bluesun Hotels & Resorts is an excellent example of how the application of guerilla marketing have a positive impact on profits of all the hotels in the group. By continuous researching target source markets, responding to the latest trends and quality service, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts keep efficient sales practices using the various distribution channels.


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