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Kriteriji i standardi za odabir odgovarajućih modela u svrhu učinkovitog recikliranja broda i nastalog otpada

Authors :
Mamić, Jelena
Slišković, Merica
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Pomorski fakultet. Zavod za pomorske sustave i procese., 2018.


U ovom radu se obrađuju metode i postupci recikliranja broda, od samog dolaska na mjesto reciklaže, pa do daljnje uporabe ostataka recikliranog broda. Posebna pažnja obraća se na ekološki prihvatljivo upravljanje opasnim otpadom i ostalim otpadom, kao što su azbest i PCB. Spomenut će se i dvije konvencije, Baselska i Hong Konška, koje se zalažu za sigurno i učinkovito recikliranje broda, te sigurnost radne snage koja se bavi istim. Novim tehnologijama i nabavkom ostalih resursa poboljšava se proces recikliranja broda. Opisana su dva primjera postupka recikliranja brodova, u dvije zemlje, Turskoj i Pakistanu, prikazani su njihovi načini recikliranja, radni odnosi, kao i sigurnost koje pružaju tokom rada. Obrađene su i metode zelenog recikliranja brodova, kojima je bitna stavka uštediti na materijalima od starih brodova, te ih preraditi i ponovno iskoristiti u svrhu izgradnje novih stvari na što ekonomičniji način, poduzimajući uz to sve mjere opreza za ljudski život i okoliš u tom procesu. This paper deals with the methods and procedures of ship recycling, from the point of arrival to the recycling site, until further use of the residues of the recycled ship. Particular attention is paid to the environmentally sound management of hazardous waste and other waste, such as asbestos and PCBs. Two conventions, for safe and efficient recycling of the ship, as well as the workforce safety Basel and Hong Kong convention, will be mentioned. By acquiring new technology and other resources, the overall performance of ship recycling, will be improved. Two examples of the ship recycling process in Turkey and Pakistan are observed. Their ways of recycling, working relationships and safety that they provide during ship recycling are described. The methods of green ship recycling, which save materials from an old ships, and reuse them for the purpose of building new things in a more economical way, is also mentioned. The process of green ships recycling takes all the precautionary measures for human life and environment.


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