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- Publication Year :
- 2019
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Splitu. Ekonomski fakultet., 2019.
- Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je proučiti utjecaj influencera s društvenih mreža na kupovne odluke potrošača u Republici Hrvatskoj. Svrha provedenog istraživanja bila je ustanoviti prate li hrvatski potrošači influencere na društvenim mrežama, zašto ih prate te jesu li ikada i bi li ikada bili spremni kupovati proizvode koje oglašavaju influenceri, odnosno koliko ti oglasi utječu na njihove kupovne odluke. Također, istraživanjem se pokušala dokazati i istinitost četiri postavljene hipoteze: H1: Utjecaj influencera na kupovnu odluku snažniji je kod žena nego kod muškaraca. H2: Utjecaj na odluku o kupovini određenog proizvoda kod potrošača ovisi o influenceru koji ga oglašava. H3: Što je viša novčana vrijednost oglašavanog proizvoda, manji je utjecaj influencera na odluku potrošača o kupovini istog. H4: Utjecaj makro influencera na odluku o kupovini proizvoda snažniji je od utjecaja mikro influencera. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 201 stanovnika Republike Hrvatske te je rezultiralo prihvaćanjem hipoteze H1, a odbijanjem hipoteza H2, H3 i H4. Rezultati su također pokazali kako ispitanici relativno slabo prate influencere na društvenim mrežama, a većina onih koja ih i prati ne kupuje često proizvode koje isti oglašavaju. U tom smislu potrošači u Hrvatskoj zaostaju za potrošačima u zapadnijim zemljama gdje Influencer Marketing ima veći utjecaj na potrošače. Ograničenja rada i smjernice za buduća istraživanja predstavljeni su na kraju rada. The goal of this research was to study the impact of social media influencers on the purchasing decisions of consumers in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the research was to establish whether or not the consumers in Croatia follow influencers on social media, if so then why do they follow them, have they ever or would they ever buy any products that the influencers advertise and how those advertisements impact their purchasing decisions. Also, the aim of the research was to try and establish whether the four hypothesis set were true: H1: Social media influencers have a greater impact on the purchasing decisions of women than of men. H2: Whether or not the consumer would consider buying a product an influencer advertises depends on the type of the influencer that is advertising that product. H3: The more expensive the product is, the less likely it is that an influencer can impact a purchasing decision of the consumer. H4: The impact of macro influencers on the purchasing decision of consumers is stronger than the impact of micro influencers. The research was conducted on 201 Croatian citizens and has resulted in the acceptance of hypothesis H1, and the rejection of hypothesis H2, H3 and H4. The results also show that the interviewed consumers do not follow influencers on social media very much and even if they do, they do not buy the products they advertise very often. In that was the consumers from Croatia are falling behind the consumers in other Western countries where Influencer Marketing has a bigger impact on consumers. The limitations of the paper as well as guidelines for future research are listed at the end of the paper.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......4112..2e47493500670d5f9e06362c5b4f64f2