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Authors :
Pranjić, Valentina
Dulčić, Želimir
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Splitu. Ekonomski fakultet., 2020.


U razvijenim zemljama, ali i onim zemljama koje su u tranziciji, jedno od glavnih obilježja već neko vrijeme jest feminizacija radne snage. Iako su ovo značajni pozitivni pomaci, na tržištu rada položaj žena je i dalje lošiji od položaja muškaraca, kako u manje razvijenim tako i u visokorazvijenim zemljama. Za teorijski dio rada istražena je literatura koja se, osim orijentiranosti na tradicionalne pristupe poslovne etike, bavi poslovnom etikom orijentiranom prema ženama, činjenicama o njihovoj radnoj snazi te mjerama koje daju na važnosti ženama u poduzeću. Svrha rada je prikazati pozitivne promjene koje se događaju na tržištu rada već neko vrijeme, ali i ukazati na to kako se primjena etičkih načela u malim i srednjim poduzećima odražava na žene te ravnopravnost između žena i muškaraca. Iz ovoga proizlaze tri temeljna problema s kojima se žene susreću; diskriminacija prema ženama prilikom zapošljavanja, prilikom nagrađivanja i prilikom napredovanja. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su bili teoretski objasniti koncept etike i primjenu etičkih načela, te istražiti prihvaćenost koncepta u odnosu prema ženama na području Šibensko-kninske županije. Cilj je bio istaknuti u kojoj se mjeri i na koji način se provode etička načela, te kolika je važnost primjene istih u poduzeću. Sukladno postavljenom problemu i predmetu istraživanja postavljeni su sljedeći ciljevi: - istražiti postoji li diskriminacija prema ženama u postupku zapošljavanja, - istražiti postoji li diskriminacija prema žena u sustavu napredovanja, - istražiti postoji li diskriminacija prema ženama u sustavu nagrađivanja. Dakle, svrha ovog rada, tj. empirijskog istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li diskriminacija prema ženama na tržištu rada, ali i diskriminacija prema ženama u poduzećima. Naglasak istraživanja je na zapošljavanju, napredovanju i nagrađivanju. In developed countries, but also in those countries in transition, one of the main features has been the feminization of the workforce for some time. Although these are significant positive developments, the position of women in the labor market is still worse than that of men, both in less developed and highly developed countries. For the theoretical part of the paper, the literature was researched which, in addition to focusing on traditional approaches to business ethics, deals with business ethics oriented towards women, facts about their workforce and measures that give importance to women in the company. The purpose of this paper is to show the positive changes that have been happening in the labor market for some time, but also to point out how the application of ethical principles in small and medium enterprises affects women and equality between women and men. From this arise three fundamental problems that women face; discrimination against women in employment, reward and promotion. The objectives of this research were to theoretically explain the concept of ethics and the application of ethical principles, and to investigate the acceptance of the concept in relation to women in the Šibenik-Knin County. The aim was to highlight the extent to which and how ethical principles are implemented, and the importance of their application in the company. In accordance with the set problem and the subject of the research, the following goals were set: - investigate whether there is discrimination against women in the employment process, - investigate whether there is discrimination against women in the promotion system, - investigate whether there is discrimination against women in the reward system. Thus, the purpose of this paper, ie empirical research, is to determine whether there is discrimination against women in the labor market, but also discrimination against women in companies. The emphasis of the research is on recruitment, advancement and rewarding.


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