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Growth and development of Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) and Petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) as affected by substrate moisture content

Authors :
Kšenek, Mihaela
Marković, Monika
Ravlić, Marija
Tkalec, Monika
Publication Year :


Istraživanje je provedeno u Požegi 2019. godine. Cilj istraživanja je bio proučiti utjecaj vlažnosti supstrata na rast i kvalitetu; broj cvjetova/biljci, broj grana/biljci, visinu biljke, masu svježeg cvijeta, zelenu nadzemnu masu te promjer cvijeta (Tagetes erecta L.) i petunije (Petunia hybrida L.). Istraživanje je postavljeno prema slučajnom blok rasporedu u tri ponavljanja. Tretmani navodnjavanja su bili: a1 = 70 %, a2 = 85 % i a3 = 100 % retencijskog kapaciteta (RK). Prema rezultatima istraživanja tretmani navodnjavanja kod kadifice su značajno utjecali na masu svježeg cvjeta, zelenu nadzemnu masu i promjer cvijeta. Što se tiče petunije, prema rezultatima istraživanja značajan veći broj cvjetova, broj grana i promjer cvjetova na tretmanu navodnjavanja s najvećom normom navodnjavanja. Nije bilo značajne razlike u visini biljaka kod obje vrste biljaka. Promatrani parametri su linearno rasli povećanjem obroka navodnjavanja<br />The research was conducted in Požega in 2019. The purpose of the study was to study the influence of substrate moisture on growth and quality; number of flowers / plant, number of branches / plant, plant height, fresh flower mass, green aboveground mass and diameter of flower (Tagetes erecta L.) and petunia (Petunia hybrida L.). The study was set up according to a random block schedule in three replicates. Irrigation treatments were: a1 = 70%, a2 = 85% and a3 = 100% retention capacity (RK). According to the results of the research, irrigation treatments in merigold significantly affected the mass of fresh flower, green aboveground mass and flower diameter. As for the petunia, according to the results of the study significantly higher number of flowers, number of branches and diameter of flowers on the irrigation treatment with the highest rate of irrigation. There was no significant difference in plant height in both plant species. The observed parameters increased linearly with increasing irrigation rate.


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