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Evaluation of phytotoxicity of grape pomace on basil and corn salad transplants

Authors :
Štimac, Santino
Vinković, Tomislav
Lončarić, Zdenko
Tkalec Kojić, Monika
Publication Year :


Recikliranje i ponovno korištenje svih vrsta otpada je smjer u kojemu industrija i poljoprivreda idu posljednjih nekoliko godina. Zbrinjavanje otpada na ekološki prihvatljiv, a također ekonomski isplativ način je sve veći problem na razini globalne vinarske industrije i poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Poljoprivrednici se sve više potiču na povećanu gnojidbu organskim gnojivima kako bi dodatno očuvali kvalitetu i plodnost svojih poljoprivrednih površina. Direktnim unošenjem vinogradarskog tropa u tlo bez prethodnih postupaka, tretmana ili kompostiranja kojima bi se pretvorio u za biljku prihvatljiv oblik načinila bi se velika šteta samom tlu i biljkama. Stoga, istražuju se načini ekološki prihvatljivog i ekonomski isplativog zbrinjavanja vinogradarskog tropa te ponovnog korištenja. Sukladno, cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi potencijal i/ili fitotoksični učinak vinogradarskog tropa na rast i razvoj presadnica bosiljka i matovilca. Tijekom istraživanja, praćeni su morflološki pokazatelji rasta i razvoja, a primijenjeni su omjeri 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 te kontrolni tretman (komercijalni supstrat). Nakon završetka pokusa na presadnicama bosiljka analizirani su podatci o visini biljke, broju listova, te masi listova i stabljike. U slučaju matovilca zabilježen su podatci o postotku klijavosti te broju i masi lišća u svježem stanju. Utvrđeno je da primjena vinogradarskog tropa ima utjecaj na morfološke parametre rasta i razvoja biljaka. Na primjeru bosiljka primijećen je i fitostimulativni učinak kod tretmana 3:1 gdje su biljke imale znatno veću masu lista i stabljike u odnosu na kontrolni tretman. Matovilac je u tretmanu 1:1 je imao najveći postotak nicanja dok je u svim ostalim tretmanima u usporedbi s kontrolom imao veću masu listića. Sukladno rezultatima ovog istraživanja, primjena vinogradarskog tropa ima pozitivne ili negativne učinke na rast i razvoj bosiljka i matovilca što ovisi o količini tropa koji se dodaje u mješavinu. Također, učinci su ovisni i o vrsti te različite vrste podnose veći ili manji udio kompostiranog vinogradarskog tropa kao medija uzgoja.<br />Recycling and reuse of all types of waste is the direction in which industry and agriculture have been heading for the last few years. Disposal of waste in an environmentally acceptable and also economically profitable way is a growing problem at the level of the global wine industry and agricultural production. Farmers are increasingly encouraged to increase fertilization with organic fertilizers in order to further preserve the quality and fertility of their agricultural land and soil. By directly introducing the grape pomace into the soil without previous procedures, treatment or composting to turn it into a plant-acceptable form, great damage would be done to the soil itself and the plants. Therefore, ways of ecologically acceptable and economically profitable disposal of the grape pomace and its reuse are being constantly investigated. Accordingly, the aim of this research was to determine the potential and/or phytotoxic effect of grape pomace on the growth and development of basil and corn salad seedlings. During the research, morphological indicators of growth and development were monitored where ratios of commercial substrate and pomace 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 as well as control treatment (commercial substrate) were applied. After the end of the experiment on the basil transplants, the data of plant height, number of leaves as well as leaves and stems fresh and dry weight recorded. In the case of corn salad, emergence percentage and the total number and weight of fresh leaves were recorded. It was found that the application of the grape pomace influenced on the morphological parameters of plant growth and development. On the example of basil, a phytostimulative effect was observed in the 3:1 treatment, where the plants had a significantly higher leaves and stems weight compared to the control treatment. Corn salad in the ratio or treatment 1:1 had the highest percentage of emergence, while in all other treatments higher leaves weight compared to control. According to the results of this research, the application of grape pomace has positive or negative effects on the growth and development of basil and corn salad, which depends on the amount of pomace added to the mixture. Also, the effects depended on the species, and different species can tolerate a higher or lower proportion of composted grape pomace as a growing medium.


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