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Evaluation of phytotoxicity of grape pomace on the example of tomato and pepper

Authors :
Pavkić, Natalija
Vinković, Tomislav
Lončarić, Zdenko
Tkalec Kojić, Monika
Publication Year :


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fitotoksični utjecaj vinogradarskog tropa na rast i razvoj presadnica rajčice i paprike. Vinogradarski trop je heterogena mješavina sjemenki, kožice, pulpe i manji dio peteljki koja nastaje nakon procesa prešanja grožđa. Rastom vinske industrije povećava se problem zbrinjavanja ovog krutog otpada, te vinari i znanstvenici pokušavaju pronaći učinkovitu metodu recikliranja i zbrinjavanja tropa. U istraživanju je posijano sjeme rajčice i paprike, te se pratio rast i razvoj do faze presadnica. Nakon završetka pokusa, izmjereni su sljedeći morfološki parametri presadnica: broj listova, visina stabljike, svježa masa stabljike, lista i korijena, te suha masa stabljike, lista i korijena. Nakon statističke analize podataka utvrđeno je da primjena vinogradarskog tropa utječe na pojedine parametre rasta i razvoj biljaka. Tretman 1:1 imao je najveći broja listova, visinu biljaka te najveću svježu masu stabljike, lista i korijena kod rajčice u usporedbi s kontrolom i ostalim tretmanima. Suha masa stabljike, lista i korijena rajčice nisu bili pod utjecajem tretmana s primjenom vinogradarskog tropa. Kod paprike, tretmani s vinogradarskim tropom nisu utjecali na povećanje broja listova i visine stabljike. Također, tretmani s primjenom vinogradarskog tropa nisu utjecali na povećanje svježe i suhe mase stabljike i lista paprike. Može se zaključiti da tretmani s primjenom vinogradarskog tropa imaju utjecaj na pojedine morfološke pokazatelje rasta i razvoja, ovisno o kojoj se kulturi radi.<br />The aim of this study was to determine the phytotoxic effect of grape pomace on growth and development of tomato and pepper seedlings. The grape pomace is heterogeneous mixture of seeds, skin, pulp and small part of the stalks that is formed after the process of pressing grapes. The growth of the wine industry increases the problem of disposal of this solid waste, and winemakers and scientists are trying to find an effective method of recycling and disposal of the pomace. In this study, tomato and pepper seeds were sown, and growth and development were monitored until the transplant stage. After the experiment was completed, certain morphological parameters of seedlings were measured: the number of leaves, stem height, fresh mass of stem, leaves and roots, and dry mass of stem, leaves and roots. After statistical analysis of the data, it was determined that the application of grape pomace affects certain parameters of plant growth and development. The 1: 1 treatment had the highest number of leaves, plant height and the highest fresh stem, leaf and root mass in tomatoes compared to control and other treatments. The dry mass of the stem, leaves and roots of the tomato was not affected by the grape pomace treatment. In the case of peppers, treatments with the grape pomace did not increase the number of leaves and the height of the stem. Also, treatments with the application of grape pomace did not affect the increase of fresh and dry mass of stems and leaves of peppers. It can be concluded that treatments with the application of grape pomace have an impact on certain morphological indicators of growth and development, depending on the culture.


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