The BovMAS Consortium for QTL mapping in dairy and dual purpose cattle: overview of data structure, experimental and methodological results
Medjugorac I., et al. The BovMAS Consortium for QTL Mapping in Dairy and Dual Purpose Cattle: Overview of Data Structure, Experimental and Methodological Results. Jan. 2004. EBSCOhost,
Medjugorac I., Lipkin E., Bagnato A., Friedman A., Solkner J., Soller M., Foerster M., Davoli, R., & Russo, V. (2004). The BovMAS Consortium for QTL mapping in dairy and dual purpose cattle: overview of data structure, experimental and methodological results.
Medjugorac I., Lipkin E., Bagnato A., Friedman A., Solkner J., Soller M., Foerster M., Roberta Davoli, and Vincenzo Russo. 2004. “The BovMAS Consortium for QTL Mapping in Dairy and Dual Purpose Cattle: Overview of Data Structure, Experimental and Methodological Results,” January.