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Authors :
Vivodinac, Roberta
Armanda Šundov, Lucijana
Publication Year :


U ovome se diplomskome radu nudi književna analiza odabranih terapeutskih priča autora Susan Perrow, Gerlinde Ortner, Petre Kapović Vidmar i Maura Lacovicha. Terapeutske su priče relativno neistraženo područje dječje književnosti i ne mogu se striktno svrstati u jednu književnu vrstu. Terapeutske priče predstavljaju priče koje djeci i odraslima pomažu u rješavanju i/ili ublažavanju njihovih emocionalnih problema. Zbog svoje su simbolike i tematike pogodne za obrađivanje u nastavi primarnog odgoja i obrazovanja, a odnose se na niz problema u ponašanju djece kao što su lijenost, neobzirnost i nepoštivanje. Cilj je ovoga diplomskoga rada u književnoj analizi terapeutskih priča prikazati obilježja bajke i priče koja se pojavljuju u odabranim terapeutskim pričama. Osim obilježja bajke i priče, analiza će terapeutskih priča sadržavati opis likova, fabule i metafore, a s naglaskom na njihovoj upotrebi u razrednoj nastavi.<br />This paper offers a literary analysis of selected therapeutic stories by Susan Perrow, Gerlinda Ortner, Petra Kapović Vidmar and Mauro Lacovich. Therapeutic stories are a relatively unexplored area of children's literature and can not be strictly classified into one literary genre. Therapeutic stories are stories that help children and adults solve and/or alleviate their emotional problems. Due to their symbolism and themes, they are suitable for treatment in primary school education. Therapeutic stories relate to a number of problems in children's behavior such as laziness, carelessness and disrespect. The aim of this paper is to show the characteristics of fairy tales and stories contained in selected therapeutic stories. In addition to the characteristics of fairy tales and stories, the analysis of therapeutic stories will include a description of characters, fables and metaphors, with an emphasis on their use in class teaching.


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