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Obesity Research in Early Childhood and Preschool Children

Authors :
Brajčić, Mira
Vlahović, Lidija
Babin, Bojan
Bulić, Mila
Publication Year :


Ovim završnim radom sam nastojala prikazati problem pretile djece u predškolskoj dobi osobito na području Hrvatske, uključujući i neke gradove u njoj, jer se zadnjih godina broj pretile djece znatno povećao. Zbog manjka tjelesne aktivnosti, sjedilačkog načina života te sve veća konzumacija proizvoda brze hrane dolazi do toga da je pretilost kod djece predškolske dobi u današnje vrijeme jedan od globalnih problema. Pretilost je zapravo bolest, i zbog nje djeca imaju sve većih poteškoća u rastu i razvoju. U radu su navedeni najčešći uzroci nastanka pretilosti kod djece, što se može dogoditi ako se ne poduzmu neke mjere te kako na ispravan način uz pomoć projekta, roditelja te pravilne prehrane kod djece riješiti taj problem. Cilj ovog rada je zapravo ukazati drugima kako je ovaj problem dosta zastupljen u Republici Hrvatskoj te imaju li odgojno-obrazovne ustanove ikakvog lošeg utjecaja u nastajanju pretilosti kod djece. Također, ovim radom se nastoji osvijestiti odrasle osobe. jer zbog njihove nedovoljne informiranosti o zdravoj prehrani, te kako pomoći i pristupiti ovom problemu, djeca snose posljedice na način da problem s pretilošću prenose u njihovu odraslu dob.<br />In this final paper I tried to show the problem of obese children of pre-school age especially on the area of the Republic of Croatia and some of it's cities, because the number of obese children has risen greatly in the last few years. Because of the lack of physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle and increased consumption of fast food products we have reached a stage where pre-school obesity is a global problem. Obesity is actually a disease, and because of it children have problems with growth and development. The most common causes of obesity in children, what happens if proper measures aren't taken, and how this problem can be solved with the help of the project, parents and a proper diet are all listed in this paper. The goal of this paper is to show how common this problem is in Croatia and if educational institutions have any negative impacts in causing obesity in children. Also the goal of this paper is to raise awareness in adults. It is because of their lack of knowledge on healthy diets, and on how to approach this problem that children face the consequences through brining obesity with them into adulthood


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