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Benefits od Nutrition Therapy in Cancer Care Treatment

Benefits od Nutrition Therapy in Cancer Care Treatment

Authors :
Zeman, Josip
Fontana Mikulić, Vedrana
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Fakultet prirodnih znanosti u Puli., 2021.


Prehrana je potrebna za normalan rad svih stanica u organizmu, za stvaranje energije, imunološki sustav i metabolizam. Savjetovanje u prehrani kod osoba oboljelih od onkoloških bolesti usmjereno je prema smanjenju poteškoća izazvanih samom bolešću i/ili nuspojavama terapije. Savjetovanje o prehrani, antropometrijsku i nutritivnu procjenu i potporu treba započeti prilikom samog postavljanja dijagnoze. Savjetovanje o prehrani treba biti individualno i prilagođeno svakom onkološkom bolesnika ovisno o samoj bolesti i nuspojavama liječenja. Bitnu ulogu u cijelom procesu liječenja ima multidiciplinaran pristup te na adekvatnu prehranu treba gledati kao važan dio potporne terapije. Obzirom da su, uz sve druge članove tima, medicinske sestre/tehničare i prvostupnici sestrinstva u stalnom kontaktu s oboljelom osobom i s obiteljima potrebna je konstantna edukacija o najnovijim spoznajama iz dijetoterapije onkoloških bolesti. Nutrition is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells in the body, for energy production, the immune system and metabolism. Dietary counseling for people with cancer is aimed at reducing the difficulties caused by the disease itself and / or the side effects of therapy. Nutrition counseling, anthropometric and nutritional assessment, and support should begin at the time of diagnosis. Nutrition counseling should be individualized and adapted to each oncology patient depending on the disease itself and the side effects of the treatment. An important role in the whole treatment process is played by a multidisciplinary approach, and adequate nutrition should be seen as an important part of supportive therapy. Since, along with all other team members, nurses / technicians and bachelors of nursing are in constant contact with the patient and families, constant education is needed about the latest knowledge in the diet therapy of oncological diseases.


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