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Film as a way of children's verbal expression

Authors :
Grguraš, Karla
Mikulaco, Irena
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti., 2021.


U današnjem društvu mediji su sastavni dio naših života te upravo zbog toga imaju veliki utjecaj na djecu, odnosno na njihov razvoj te odgoj i obrazovanje. Masovni mediji, film i televizija, mogu biti poticajni model djetetu ako se koriste na pozitivan i ispravan način. Kroz film i televiziju dijete usvaja različita znanja o govoru i izražavanju te razvija komunikacijske, intelektualne i logičke sposobnosti, izgrađuje estetsku kulturu, vizualnu i auditivnu percepciju, a pritom također usvaja moralne i emocionalne vrijednosti. Ovaj završni rad istražuje utjecaje televizije i filma na dijete predškolske dobi. U radu se ukratko obrađuju masovni mediji, konkretno film i televizija te različite vrstefilmova. Naglasak je pritom na animiranom filmu koji je prvenstveno namijenjen djeci. Rad donosi i kratki pregled povijesti hrvatskog animiranog filma. Također se govori o konkretnim animiranim sadržajima koje današnja televizija nudi djeci kao i mogućim utjecajima tih sadržaja na ciljanu dobnu skupinu. Detaljnije se obrađuje odnos djeteta i filma te se govori o tome što film i televizija omogućuju djetetu i koju ulogu u tome imaju roditelji i odgojitelji djeteta. Postoje različiti odnosi djeteta i televizije te različito razumijevanje onoga što se prikazuje na televiziji, što ovisi o djetetovoj dobi. Različiti autori navode mnoge pozitivne, ali i negativne utjecaje filma i televizije na djecu predškolske dobi. Jedan od glavnih pozitivnih utjecaja je onaj na djetetov govor i njegovo govorno izražavanje, kao i mogućnost izražavanja kroz glazbenu, likovnu i dramsku umjetnost. In today's society, the media are an integral part of our lives and that is why they have a great impact on children, and their development and upbringing and education. Mass media, film and television, can be a stimulating model for a child if used in a positive and correct way. Through film and television, the child acquires different knowledge of speech and expression and develops different abilities: communication, intellectual, logical, emotional, moral and aesthetic, as well as his visual and auditory perception. This final paper explores the influences of television and film on the preschool child. The paper briefly deals with the mass media, specifically film and television, and various types of films. It also deals with animated film that is primarily intended for children and the history of Croatian animated film are also covered in order to get an insight into the first animated films. It also talks about what today’s television specifically offers children from animated series and how those series can affect children. The relationship between the child and the film is discussed in more detail, where it is discussed what film and television enable the child and what role the child's parents and educators play in all this. There are different relationships between a child and television and a different understanding of what is shown on television depending on the child's age. Various authors cite a lot of positive, but also a lot of negative influences of film and television on preschool children. One of the main positive influences is the one on the child's speech and his speech expression, as well as the possibility of expression through music, fine and dramatic arts.


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