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Traditional Istrian gastronomy as an intangible cultural heritage of Istria

Authors :
Žgrablić Širol, Tamara
Bertoša, Slaven
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"., 2022.


Tradicionalna istarska gastronomija jedan je od najvažnijih elemenata kulturnog identiteta Istre i seoskog identiteta stanovnika Istre. Temeljni dio istarske gastronomije jest autohtonost, korištenje namirnica iz proizvodnje na vlastitim OPG-ovima te priprema jela na starinski način, uz čim manje uvođenja ikakvih egzotičnih začina i sl. Istarska tradicionalna gastronomija kakvu danas poznajemo nastala je pod utjecajem brojnih stranih vlasti koje su se kroz povijest izmjenjivale na ovom području, no najveći utjecaj ostavila je mletačka vlast i stanovnici provincije Furlanije – Krnjeli. Oni na područje Istre doseljavaju sredinom 16. stoljeća te otada imaju enorman utjecaj na istarsku gastronomiju kakvu danas poznajemo. Danas su istarski agroturizmi i tradicionalne istarske gastro-manifestacije važni čimbenici u očuvanju tradicionalne istarske gastronomije kao nematerijalne kulturne baštine jer upravo na ovaj način kroz njezinu popularizaciju ona dolazi do većeg broja ljudi i na taj je način osigurano da tradicija opstane. Specifična memorabilija okusa i mirisa i savršeno sljubljivanje istarske kuhinje, maslinovog ulja i vina najbolji je i nezaboravan suvenir koji svaki posjetitelj odnosi kući i taj je doživljaj, zajedno uz boravak u autohtonim selima i kućama, nešto što gosti cijene i nešto čemu se vraćaju kroz nostalgiju u svoju prošlost ili prošlost svojih predaka o kojoj su imali prilike samo slušati. Traditional Istrian gastronomy is one of the most important elements of the cultural identity of Istria and the rural identity of its inhabitants. The fundamental parts of the Istrian gastronomy are its indigenous character, the use of food from their own family farms and preparation in the old fashioned way with the interference of any exotic spices, etc., for as little as possible. Istrian traditional gastronomy as we know it today was influenced by many foreign authorities that were present on this area during history, but the greatest influence was left by the Venetian government and the inhabitants of the province of Friuli that the Istrians called Cargnels. They immigrated to Istria in the middle of the 16th century and since then they have had an enormous influence on the Istrian gastronomy as we know it today. Today, Istrian agrotourisms and traditional Istrian gastronomy events are important factors in the preservation of traditional Istrian gastronomy as an intangible cultural heritage. In such a way it reaches a larger number of people, influences its popularization and thus ensures its survival. The specific memorabilia of taste and smell and the perfect pairing of Istrian cuisine, olive oil and wine is the best and unforgettable souvenir that every visitor takes home with them. Such experience complimented with their stay in indigenous houses and villages is something the guests appreciate and something that takes them back with nostalgia into their own past or the past of their ancestors of which they had the opportunity to just listen about.


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