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Marketing management of a destination management company
- Publication Year :
- 2021
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"., 2021.
- Promatrajući globalno, brojne promjene koje se događaju na turističkom tržištu, u većoj ili manjoj mjeri utječu na njega. Također, kupci postaju sve zahtjevniji, žele naučiti nešto novo, nešto što će ih oplemeniti i pridonijeti kvaliteti njihovog života. Upravo zbog tih novih izazova, turistički proizvodi moraju se prilagoditi zahtjevima tržišta. Međutim, to nije nimalo lak zadatak jer procesu njegova stvaranja i konačno uspjeha pridonose brojni dionici iz javnog kao i privatnog sektora. Promatrajući privatni sektor, destinacijske menadžment kompanije predstavljaju jedan od važnijih aktera u tom procesu. Destinacijska menadžment kompanija predstavlja relativno novi pojam u turističkoj terminologiji, a osnovne usluge koje nudi jesu osmišljavanje i provedba složenih turističkih proizvoda, te posredovanje usluga vezanih uz putovanje i boravak turista. Prije otvaranja same DMK, svaki bi poduzetnik trebao formirati jedinstveni poslovni model. Naime, model mora dati krajnje precizan odgovor na pitanje kako će DMK svojim proizvodima i konkurentskim pristupom stvarati prihode uz troškove koji će jamčiti profitabilnost. Svi su elementi poslovnog modela bitni, ali ono na što se svaka DMK treba posebno fokusirati jest marketinški splet. U kontekstu DMK, taj splet predstavlja složeni turistički proizvod, kreiranje i određivanje cijene složenih turističkih proizvoda te njihovu promociju i distribuciju. Kao primjer uspješne implementacije elemenata marketinškog miksa, analizirane su dvije destinacijske menadžment kompanije. Prva predstavlja vodeću DMK na području Hrvatske, pod nazivom Intours. Drugi primjer predstavlja specijalista za gastronomiju, kulturu i automobile, popularnog naziva Amazing Italy Looking globally, the numerous changes that are happening in the tourism market, to a greater or lesser extent affect it. Also, customers are becoming more demanding, they want to learn something new, something that will enrich them and contribute to the quality of their lives. It is because of these new challenges that tourism products need to adapt to market demands. However, this is not an easy task because many stakeholders from the public and private sectors contribute to the process of its creation and ultimately success. Looking at the private sector, destination management companies are one of the more important actors in this process. DMK is a relatively new term in tourism terminology and the basic services it offers are the design and implementation of complex tourism products, and mediation of services related to travela and stay of tourists. Before opening the DMK itself, each entrepreneur should form a unique business model. Namely, the model must give an extremely precise answer to the question of how DMK will generate revenue with its products and competitive approach at a cost that will guarantee profitability. All elements of the business model are essential, but what each DMK needs to focus on in particular is the marketing mix. In the context of DMK, this mix represents a complex tourist product, the creation and pricing of complex tourist products and their promotion and distribution. As an example of successful implementation of elements of the marketing mix, two destination management companies were analyzed. The first is the leading DMK in Croatia, called Intours. Another example is a specialist in gastronomy, culture and cars, popularly called Amazing Italy.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......4017..15618ad2dabd6e2ae015874260bdb1f7