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Prehrambene navike djece predškolske dobi

Authors :
Cresso, Izabela
Štifanić, Mauro
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti., 2017.


U radu je obrađena tema prehrambenih navika djece predškolske dobi. Cilj rada je popularizirati važnost pravilne prehrane u dječjoj dobi zbog pravilnog razvoja djeteta predškolske dobi. Budući da je predškolsko dijete u procesu stalnog razvoja u radu su opisane osnovne prehrambene potrebe te temeljni hranjivi sastojci koje bi svako dijete trebalo konzumirati. U većini slučajeva roditelji nisu dovoljno informirani o zdravoj hrani koju bi trebali pružati svojoj djeci te isto tako ne znaju za sve štetne sastojke u hrani koju djeca svakodnevno konzumiraju. Zbog društvenih i gospodarskih odlika se roditelji vrlo često mogu pronaći u financijskim problemima te tada nisu u mogućnosti pružiti djetetu potrebnu zdravu hranu za njegov rast i razvoj. Niske financijske mogućnosti roditelja mogu dovesti do zdravstvenih problema djece kao što su pretilost, mršavo dijete, dijabetes i slično, ako se dijete ne hrani zdravo. Bitno je napomenuti da je pravilna prehrana u vrtiću veoma važna jer dijete tamo najčešće provodi većinu dana. Kako bi se u vrtiću provodila pravilna prehrana, uveden je HACCP sustav koji osigurava kvalitetu prehrane u dječjim vrtićima. Uz pravilnu prehranu jednako je važna i tjelesna aktivnost djece koju se treba svakodnevno poticati. U radu je naveden primjer pripreme za izvođenje aktivnosti s djecom na temu „Zdrava hrana“ koji ukazuje na uporabu raznovrsnih aktivnosti i pristupa koji se primjenjuju u radu s djecom kako bi ih se poticalo na daljnje istraživanje o zdravoj hrani. The paper deals with the topic of eating habits of preschool children. The aim of the paper is to popularize the importance of proper nutrition of preschool children due to their proper development. Since preschool children are in the process of continuous development, the paper describes basic nutritional needs and basic nutrients that each child should consume. In most cases, parents are not sufficiently informed about healthy food which they should provide to their children, and also they do not know about all the harmful ingredients in the food that children consume daily. Due to social and economic characteristics, parents often find themselves in financial problems and are not able to provide their child with the healthy food necessary for child's growth and development. Poor financial capabilities of parents can lead to health problems in children such as obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, and the like, if the child does not eat healthily. It is important to emphasize the importance of proper nutrition in kindergarten because a child spends most of its time there. In order to have proper nutrition in the kindergarten, HACCP system has been introduced to ensure the quality of nutrition in kindergartens. Physical activity of children needs to be stimulated on a daily basis and is equally important as proper nutrition. In this paper we have provided an example of preparation of activities with children on the subject of „Healthy food“ which indicates the use of various activities and approaches that are used while working with children in order to encourage them to research the healthy food further.


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