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Japan's Teritorial Disputes in the Pacific During the 20th Century

Authors :
Radaković, Matea
Milovan Delić, Iva
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Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Filozofski fakultet u Puli., 2020.


Azija je dugo vremena bila slabo zastupljena u zapadnoj znanstvenoj literaturi, a još manje razumljena, ali unatoč tomu, neupitno je da Azija danas ima značajan globalni utjecaj, posebice velike azijske sile poput Japana. Upravo radi tog velikog globalnog utjecaja, važno je shvatiti i povijest koja veže azijske zemlje, a čiji se odjeci osjećaju dan danas. Dio te povijesti je imperijalistička i ekspanzionistička politika Japana u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća koja je zajedno s Mirovnim sporazumom u San Franciscu iz 1951., pod dirigentskom palicom SAD-a, stvorila teritorijalne sporove Japana s čak tri susjedne zemlje. Odnosno, sa Sovjetskim Savezom oko Sjevernih Teritorija (Južnih Kurila), Južnom Korejom oko otoka Takeshima (Dokdo) te Narodnom Republikom Kinom oko otoka Senkaku (Diaoyu). U radu je obrađena povijest upravo tih sporova, odnosno njihov tijek u 20. stoljeću te uloga SAD-a u teritorijalnim sporovima Japana i stvaranju mira na Pacifiku. Asia has long been poorly represented in the Western scientific literature, and even less understood, but nonetheless, it is indisputable that Asia today has a significant global influence, especially great Asian powers like Japan. Precisely because of this great global influence, it is important to understand the history that binds Asian countries, and which echoes are felt even today. Part of that history is Japan's imperialist and expansionist policies in the first half of the 20th century, which together with the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, under the baton of the United States, created Japan's territorial disputes with as many as three neighboring countries. With Russia over the Northern Territories/Southern Kurils, South Korea considering Takeshima/Dokdo Islands and the People's Republic of China considering Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. The paper covers the history of these disputes, i.e. their course throughout the 20th century, as well as the role of the United States in the territorial disputes of Japan and the creation of peace in the Pacific


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