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Vrednovanje tehničke učinkovitosti kontejnerskih luka u suradnom odnosu na trgovačkom pravcu Istok − Zapad

Authors :
El Kola, Mohamed Moustafa Abbas
Zec, Damir
Jugović, Alen
Perić Hadžić, Ana
Kavran, Natalija
Publication Year :


The maritime container market with its dynamic nature and the increase of its seaborne trade is reshaping its player's power and influence on each other. Shipping lines are increasing market concentration in terms of carriers’ capacities leaving container ports with fewer choices rather than increasing investments with no guaranties of the positive balance sheet. Container ports always aim to improve their efficiency as it is considered one of the important element that reflects ports attractiveness. This triggered the aims and objectives of this research in finding a better solution to improve ports efficiency through cooperation between regional ports and apply the coopetition concept for the objective of increasing ports efficiency. The research approach was to assess ports relative technical efficiency of the main container ports in the East-West trade route. Accordingly, 42 ports among the world’s top 50 container ports were selected. The relative technical efficiency was measured by the aid of the Data Envelop Analyses (DEA) models (CCR, BCC, Super efficiency, Slack variable analyses and sensitivity analyses) for the period from 2011 to 2016. Assessment was applied twice, the first time for individual ports while the second time between clustered ports. Ports clusterization was performed by a clusterization model and the use of K- mean technique. Moreover, three scenarios of ports clusterization were tested to select the optimum applicable one. The first was by relying only the results obtained from the DEA models in forming ports clusters, while the remaining two scenarios were performed with the aid of a clusterization model coupled with the DEA models. The results showed that only the use of DEA models with manipulating its results to reach the research objective was not providing reasonable consistent results. On the other hand, the use of both models the DEA and a clusterization model showed reasonable reliable results. This approach was implemented twice, the first time with the exclusion of the efficient ports from proposed clusters while the second time all the study ports were grouped to form 14 clusters. Finally, this research concludes that ports clusterization could positively affect ports relative technical efficiency as well as coopetition among ports could be a good approach for improving ports efficiency. Moreover, it paves the way for introducing the coopetition concept with a tangible measuring tool which is benchmarking ports relative efficiency.<br />Tržište pomorskih kontejnera svojom dinamičnom prirodom i porastom trgovine snažno utječe na snagu i međusobni utjecaj ključnih dionika. Brodarske kompanije stalno povećavaju tržišnu koncentraciju linija, posebice u pogledu svojih kapaciteta, ostavljajući pritom kontejnerske luke s manje izbora, a da pritom ne povećavaju ulaganja i ne jamče pozitivne financijske rezultate. Kontejnerske luke uvijek nastoje poboljšati svoju učinkovitost, jer se ona smatra jednim od važnih čimbenika atraktivnost luke. Značaj učinkovitosti potakla je ovo istraživanje, ponajprije u cilju pronalaženju rješenja za poboljšanje učinkovitosti luka kroz povezivanje regionalnih luka te primjenom koncepta suradnje u cilju povećanja učinkovitosti luka. Istraživački pristup temelji se na procjeni relativne tehničke učinkovitosti glavnih kontejnerskih luka na trgovačkom putu Istok-Zapad. Sukladno ovom pristupu, izabrane su 42 luke koje se nalaze među 50 najvećih kontejnerskih luka na svijetu. Relativna tehnička učinkovitost mjerena je pomoću analize omeđivanja podataka (Dana Envelop Analyses - DEA) odnosno odgovarajućih modela (CCR, BCC, super efikasnost, analize slaba varijabli i analize osjetljivosti) za razdoblje od 2011. do 2016. Procjena je provedena dva puta, prvi put za pojedinačne luke dok je drugi put analiza provedena za ujedinjene luke. Klasterizacija luka provedena je primjenom K-srednje tehnike. Nadalje, ispitana su tri scenarija klasterizacije luka za odabir optimalnog rješenja. Prvi se pristup temeljio samo na rezultate dobivene DEA modela, dok su preostala dva scenarija izvedena uz pomoć modela klasterizacije u kombinaciji s DEA modelom Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da samo korištenje DEA modela nije dalo razumne i konzistentne rezultate. S druge strane, uporaba oba modela DEA i te pridružene klasterizacije rezultiralo je s razumnim i pouzdanim rezultatima. Ovaj je pristup primijenjen dva puta, prvi put uz izuzeće učinkovitih luka iz razmatranih klastera, dok su drugi put sve promatrane luke grupirane u 14 skupina. Konačno, ovo istraživanje jasno dokazuje da će klasterizacija luka pozitivno utjecati na relativnu tehničku učinkovitost luka, a suradnja među lukama mogla bi biti dobar pristup za poboljšanje njihove učinkovitosti. Nadalje, on ukazuje na korištenje koncepta suradnje te njegovo mjerenje opipljivim mjernim alatom za procjenu relativne učinkovitost luka.


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