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Authors :
Mihalj, Mario
Baić, Mario
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Kineziološki fakultet., 2020.


Tehnike koje pripadaju grupi dovođenja u parter, osim što su jedne od najčešće izvedenih hrvačkih tehnika u klasičnom i slobodnom načinu hrvanja, dio su i taktičke pripreme za više drugih grupa hrvačkih tehnika (bacanja uvinućem, ramenska bacanja, obaranja, okretanja obuhvatom trupa, dizanja iz partera i slično). Dovođenja u parter pripadaju grupi „malog faktora rizika“, jer ako ne uspije njihova izvedba, napadač može ostati u sigurnoj poziciji bez većih mogućnosti kontra napada protivnika. S obzirom na to da s tehnikama iz grupe dovođenja u parter, hrvač započinje već na početku sportske karijere, bitno ih je metodički pravilno obučavati, kako bi hrvači uspješno primjenjivali ove tehnike u nastavku sportske karijere. Zbog svega gore navedenoga, dovođenja u parter pripadaju u grupu najvažnijih hrvačkih tehnika za uspjeh hrvača u njegovoj sportskoj karijeri. Primarni cilj u ovom radu bio je opisati metodiku obučavanje hrvačkih tehnika dovođenja u parter iz različitih pozicija, a sekundarni cilj bio je dati praktične smjernice trenerima i budućim hrvačima, kako bi lakše usvajali ove važne tehnike. Ovaj diplomski rad koncipiran je u nekoliko cjelina i doprinos je ovoj važnoj temi u treningu hrvača, jer ukazuje na razne metodičke mogućnosti obučavanja tehnika dovođenja u parter. U radu je ukupno opisano 9 najvažnijih tehnika dovođenja u parter, 24 taktičkih priprema, 25 protutehnika, 12 obrana, 30 tehničko - taktičkih kompleksa, 8 metodskih vježbi i 25 metodičkih postupaka. Techniques that belong to the group of bringing to the ground, in addition to being one of the most commonly performed wrestling techniques in classical and freestyle wrestling, are also part of the tactical preparation for several other groups of wrestling techniques (twisting throws, shoulder throws ground floor and the like). Bringing to the ground floor belongs to the group of "small risk factors", because if their performance fails, the attacker can remain in a safe position without greater opportunities for counter-attacks by the opponent. Since the wrestler starts with the techniques from the group to the ground, already at the beginning of his sports career, it is important to train them methodically correctly, so that wrestlers can successfully apply these techniques in the continuation of their sports career. Due to all of the above, bringing to the ground floor belongs to the group of the most important wrestling techniques for the success of a wrestler in his sports career. The primary goal in this paper was to describe the methodology of training wrestling techniques to be brought to the ground floor from different positions, and the secondary goal was to give practical guidelines to coaches and future wrestlers, in order to more easily adopt these important techniques. This diploma thesis is conceived in several parts and is a contribution to this important topic in the training of wrestlers, because it indicates various methodological possibilities of training techniques for bringing to the ground floor. The paper describes a total of 9 most important techniques for bringing to the ground floor, 24 tactical preparations, 25 counter - techniques, 12 defenses, 30 technical - tactical complexes, 8 methodical exercises and 25 methodical procedures.


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