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Attainment of the cross-curriculum topic's Health outcomes by implementing educational videos during the final part of the Physical education class

Authors :
Haber Zelanto, Wanda
Podnar, Hrvoje
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Kineziološki fakultet., 2022.


Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi učinke edukativnih video sadržaja u završnom dijelu sata na poboljšanje znanja o međupredmetnoj temi Zdravlje te na unaprjeđenje percepcije korisnosti i zadovoljstva nastavom tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Sudionici istraživanja bili su učenici 6., 7. i 8. razreda osnovne škole Ivo Andrić u Zagrebu. Ukupan uzorak činilo je 160 učenika, prosječne dobi 13,75 godina, od čega je 93 učenica. Slučajnim odabirom, razredni odjeli su podijeljeni na četiri eksperimentalna (n=111) i dva kontrolna razredna odjela (n=49). Eksperimentalna skupina je tijekom 6 tjedana kao sadržaj svakog završnog dijela sata TZK u trajanju od 3-5 minuta provodila edukativne video sadržaje, dok je kontrolna skupina sudjelovala u standardnoj nastavi TZK te su u završnom dijelu sata provodili isključivo tjelovježbene sadržaje. Na početku i na kraju istraživanja, obje su skupine ispunile teorijski pisani test znanja o međupredmetnoj temi Zdravlje i upitnik za procjenu stavova prema nastavi TZK. Također, nakon svakog pogledanog video zapisa, učenici eksperimentalne skupine su rješavali kratki teorijski test znanja sa pitanjima povezanima uz temu tog dana. Za utvrđivanje učinaka eksperimentalnog programa na rezultate završnog mjerenja, primijenjena je analiza kovarijance (ANCOVA) uz uključivanje rezultata inicijalnog mjerenja kao kovarijate. Nakon provedenog eksperimenta uočene su statistički značajne razlike između rezultata učenika eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine za varijable Teorijsko znanje (9.90±0.29 vs. 8.33±0.43, F(1, 159) = 8.998, p = 0.003) i Percepcija korisnosti (2.93±0.06 vs. 2.69±0.09, F(1, 163) = 4.434, p = 0.037), dok za Zadovoljstvo nastavom nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike (2.95±0.09 vs. 3.02±0.06, p = 0.553). Rezultati ukazuju na to da je navedena intervencija pozitivno utjecala na znanje učenika i njihovu percepciju korisnosti nastave TZK, dok se intervencijom nije narušilo njihovo zadovoljstvo nastavom TZK. Navedeno ukazuje da se edukativni video sadržaji koji povezuju tjelovježbene aktivnosti i teorijska znanja o zdravstvenoj pismenosti mogu integrirati u svakodnevnu nastavu TZK bez straha od negativnog utjecaja na učenike. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of educational video content in the final part of the PE lesson, on improving knowledge about the cross-curricular topic of Health and on improving the perception of PE usefulness and satisfaction. Participants were 6th, 7th and 8th grade pupils of the Ivo Andrić elementary school in Zagreb. The total sample consisted of 160 pupils, with an average age of 13.75 years, of which 93 were female. By random selection, they were divided into four experimental (n=111) and two control classes (n=49). During the course of 6 weeks, the experimental group conducted 3–5-minute educational video content as part of each final part of the PE lesson, while the control group participated in the standard PE lesson, only conducting physical exercises in the final part of the lesson. At the beginning and at the end of the research, both groups completed a theoretical written knowledge test on the cross-curricular topic of Health and a questionnaire to assess attitudes towards the PE classes. Also, after each watched video, the students of the experimental group solved a short theoretical knowledge test with questions related to the topic of that day. A one-way ANCOVA was performed to determine the effect of the experimental program on post-intervention scores with the inclusion of results of the initial measurement as covariate. After the experiment, statistically significant differences were observed between the results of the experimental and control groups of students for the Theoretical knowledge (9.90±0.29 vs. 8.33±0.43, F(1, 159) = 8.998, p = 0.003) and Perception of PE usefulness (2.93±0.06 vs 2.69±0.09, F(1, 163) = 4.434, p = 0.037), while no statistically significant differences were observed for Enjoyment in PE classes (2.95±0, 09 vs. 3.02±0.06, p = 0.553). The above results indicate that the mentioned intervention had a positive effect on students' knowledge and their perception of PE usefulness, while the intervention did not impair their enjoyment in PE classes. The results indicate that the mentioned intervention had a positive effect on the students' knowledge and their perception of the PE usefulness, while the intervention did not impair their enjoyment of PE classes. The above indicates that educational video content that connects physical activity and theoretical knowledge about health literacy can be integrated into the daily PE classes without fear of a negative impact on students.


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