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Marija – Božja službenica

Authors :
Kruhoberec, Ivana
Ražov, Elvis
Krasicki, Arkadiusz
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zadru. Teološko-katehetski odjel., 2022.


Ovaj rad se bavi osobom Djevice Marije, Majke Božje. Prvi dio rada donosi pregled proglašenja četiriju marijanskih dogma donesenih kroz crkvenu povijest, uz objašnjavanje okolnosti njihova nastanka. Uz proglašenje dogma, spominje se i neprekinuta važnost koju su Blaženoj Djevici davali crkveni oci od najranijih dana crkvene povijesti. Sve to s ciljem da se ukaže kako je Marija oduvijek imala važnu ulogu u životu Crkve, od njezinih najranijih dana. Drugi dio rada donosi određene razloge za čašćenje Djevice Marije, te kako Marija i danas ostaje bitna poveznica ljudi, posebice mladih, sa Spasiteljem. Uz to se spominje i Marijina uloga u Crkvi danas, te važnost pridavanja iste pozornosti Djevici u današnje vrijeme kako je to i nekad bilo. This paper deals with the person of Mary, Mother of God. The first part of the paper introduces four Marian dogma as they were proclaimed through the Church's history, alongside the explanation of circumstances of their proclamation. Along with the dogma, the continuous importance which was given to the Blessed Virgin by the holy fathers from the earlies days of Church's history, is also mentioned. The aim of this paper was to point to the fact that Mary has always had an important role in the life of the Church, ever since its beginnings. The second part of the paper brings forth some specific reasons as to why Mary should be honored, as well as why Mary is still an important link of the people, especially young ones, with the Savior. Mary's role in the Church today is also mentioned, as well as the importance of giving her the same attention as she had before.


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