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Animation in Blender

Authors :
Januš, Marin
Livada, Časlav
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek. Zavod za programsko inženjerstvo. Katedra za vizualno računarstvo., 2017.


Alat je specijaliziran i prvenstveno namijenjen onim korisnicima koji se žele baviti 3D modeliranjem, računalnom grafikom ili izradom objekata za 3D printanje.Zahtijeva od korisnika ozbiljan angažman kako bi ga savladao i upoznao sve funkcionalnosti i načine korištenja. Upoznavanje s kraticama na tipkovnici jedan je od najučinkovitijih načina korištenja ovog alata. Mrežno sjedište Blender alata sadrži brojne demo projekte za uvid u mogućnosti alata, ali također dostupne su mnoge pisane i video upute. Ideja diplomskog rada realizirana je kroz nekoliko koraka. Nakon upoznavanja programa, prvo je bilo potrebno kreirati grad sa svim njegovim dijelovima, dodati mu teksture i materijale kako bi bio gledatelju dali što realniji dojam. Sljedeći korak bio je kreirati animaciju sudara dva automobila sa svim fizikalnim zakonima i posljedicama. Potom kreirati eksploziju bombe bačene iz aviona nad gradom i praćenje svega kroz više kamera kako bi se vidjele poslijedice same eksplozije. U konačnici, cijelu animaciju bilo je potrebno renderirati bog realnijeg prikaza. The tool is specialized and made primarily for those people who want to work in the fields of 3D modelling, computer graphics or creation 3D printing objects. It requires a serious approach from the part of its user in order to learn how to use it and discover all its functionalities and means of use. Learning the meanings of abbreviations on the keyboard is one of the most effective ways of using this tool. The network center of the Blender tool contains numerous demo projects for insight in the possibilities of the tool, but many written and video instructions are available as well. The idea of this graduate thesis is realized through several steps. After having introduced yourself with the program, it was first necessary to build a city with all its parts, add its textures and materials to make it more authentic for the viewer. The next step was to create an animation of two cars colliding with all subsequent laws of physics and other consequences. Then, to create an explosion of a bomb dropped from an airplane over the city, all followed by several cameras in order to see the consequences of the explosion itself. Finally, it was required to render the app for more realistic display.


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