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Measerement of hydro generator electromagnetic field with purpose of monitoring

Authors :
Barić, Matej
Barukčić, Marinko
Benšić, Tin
Publication Year :
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek. Zavod za elektrostrojarstvo. Katedra za osnove elektrotehnike i mjeriteljstvo., 2022.


Tehnologija napreduje iz dana u dan, rad u postrojenjima teže savršenstvu i da budu kontroliran. Nadzor sustava ili monitoring ima jako važnu ulogu u postrojenju. Nadzire rad postrojenja i detektira nam ranu promjenu u radu stroja. Što nam omogućava pravovremenu reakciju i s tim sprječava dolazak do većeg oštećenja. U vremenu kada treba doći do remonta preko monitoringa vidimo stanje (zdravlje) stroja ako nam pokazuje da je sve uredu, onda nema potrebe za monitoringom i dodatnim troškovima. Kao najvažnije veličina u ovom sustavu nam je magnetska indukcija jer preko nje možemo utvrditi jel nam došlo do muđuzavojnog kratkog spoja na polovima rotora. Rezultati se prikupljaju preko mjernih svitaka i rada preko dvije metode (MXDiff i DMMP). A obrada se izvršava u programu National Instruments-a LabVIEW. Grafički prikaz signala prikazani su na polarnom koordinatnom sustava. Gdje je iz vrijednosti magnetske indukcije vidljiv proboj izolacije (međuzavojni kratki spoj). Technology advances day by day, work in plants strives for perfection and to be controlled. System supervision or monitoring has a very important role in the plant. It monitors the operation of the plant and detects early changes in the operation of the machine. This enables us to react in a timely manner and thereby prevents major damage. At the time when the overhaul is due, we can see the state (health) of the machine through monitoring, if it shows us that everything is in order, then there is no need for monitoring and additional costs. The most important quantity in this system is the magnetic induction, because through it we can determine if there is a single-turn short circuit on the rotor poles. The results are collected through measuring rolls and work through two methods (MXDiff and DMMP). And the processing is performed in the National Instruments LabVIEW program. Graphical display of signals are shown on the polar coordinate system. Where a breakdown of the insulation (inter-turn short circuit) is visible from the value of the magnetic induction.


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