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Drawing as a visual element in children's artistic expression

Authors :
Mehun, Ivona
Kujundžić, Goran
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti., 2020.


" Crtanje se ne uči, jer se stvaralački ne može izraziti na osnovi neke gramatike i pravopisa crtanja, već na osnovi vlastite slobodne interpretacije." (Bodulić, 1982, str. 7) Crtežom se služe svi, a naročito djeca. Djeca se likovno izražavaju kako bi prikazala ono što ih zanima. Njihovo likovno izražavanje nije nametnuto od strane društva već je spontano i prirodno te se kao takvo mora poticati. Upravo je u ovom radu opisano dječje likovno stvaralaštvo koje prolazi i razvija se kroz različite faze. Kako bi što bolje predočili dječji napredak iz jedne faze u drugu svaka je faza potkrijepljena dječjim crtežom. Djeca svoj likovni izraz započinju fazom šaranja u kojoj grčevito drže olovku pa ga postupno razvijaju i usavršavaju do faze vizualnog realizma u kojoj djeca pažnju posvećuju i najsitnijim detaljima. Dijete oduševljava ponuda crtačkih materijala, sredstava i tehnike kojima može svoju maštu i emocije prenijeti na papir. Razne crtačke tehnike koje djetetu omogućuju istraživanje njihovih mogućnosti dok dijete doprinosi svom likovnom izrazu navedene su i opisane u ovom radu. Istaknuta je i važnost ponude različitih crtačkih sredstava kojima dijete može manipulirati kako bi stalno napredovao i razvijao svoje likovne vještine. U radu se spominje i odgojitelj čiji je zadatak promatrati dijete i bilježiti promatrano kako bi bili u toku sa djetetovim likovnim razvojem. "Drawing is not learned, because it cannot be expressed creatively on the basis of some grammar and spelling of drawing, but on the basis of one's own free interpretation." (Bodulić, 1982, p. 7) Everyone uses drawing, especially children. Children express themselves artistically to show what interests them. Their artistic expression is not imposed by society but is spontaneous and natural and as such must be encouraged. This final work described children's art that goes through and develops through different stages. In order to better represent children's progress from one phase to another, each phase is supported by children's drawing. Children begin their artistic expression with a phase of coloring in which they hold the pencil convulsively, and then gradually develop and perfect it to a phase of visual realism in which children pay attention to even the smallest details. The child is thrilled by the offer of drawing materials, tools and techniques with which he can transfer his imagination and emotions to paper. Various drawing techniques allow the child to explore their possibilities while the child contributes to his or her artistic expression. The importance of offering various drawing tools that a child can manipulate in order to constantly progress and develop their artistic skills was also emphasized. The final work also mentions an educator whose task is to observe the child and record what is observed in order to keep up with the child's artistic development.


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