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The diversity of fauna in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadows in the area of cape Kamenjak (Istria)

Authors :
Žunec, Ante
Kružić, Petar
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet. Biološki odsjek., 2015.


U Jadranu, biocenoza Posidonia oceanica predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih ekosustava, tj. klimaks biocenoza morskih cvjetnica. Dobar je indikator kvalitete morske vode i vrlo je osjetljiva na antropogene utjecaje. U Javnoj ustanovi Kamenjak autonomnim ronjenjem utvrđene su gustoće livada i u njima prisutne vrste faune na 8 postaja, sa ciljem utvrđivanja stanja i smjernica za daljnje upravljanje. Najveća gustoća livade i najveća bioraznolikost utvrđena je na postaji Porer, zatim Fenoliga i Školjić, a najmanja na Portić i Polje. U livadama posidonije ukupno je utvrđeno 2 vrste spužvi, 14 vrsta žarnjaka (6 koralja, 7 obrubnjaka i 1 režnjak), 1 vrsta vrpčara, 1 vrsta štrljcaljca, 31 vrsta mekušaca (16 školjkaša, 13 puževa i 2 glavonošca), 13 vrsta mnogočetinaša, 9 vrsta rakova, 9 vrsta mahovnjaka, 6 vrsta plaštenjaka i 26 vrsta riba. Najčešće vrste su Symphodus rostratus, Spirorbis sp., Halecium halecinum, Actinia equina, Calpensia nobilis, Bittium reticulatum, Cladocora caespitosa koje su zabilježene na svim postajama. S obzirom na faunu, najveći su indeks sličnosti imale postaje Šekovac i Fenoliga, dok su najmanji indeks sličnosti imale postaje Školjić i Polje. In the Adriatic Sea, biocenosis of Posidonia oceanica beds represents one of the most important ecosystems, the climax of seagrass biocenosis. It represents a good indicator of the seawater quality, being strongly sensitive to human perturbations. In the public facility Kamenjak, density of the meadows was measured on 8 stations by diving with autonomic diving equipment, with the goal of defining the condition of Posidonia oceanica meadows and guidelines for managing the facility. Fauna species present in the Posidonia oceanica meadows were determined and listed. In total 16 species of algae, 2 species of sponges, 14 species of cnidarians ( 6 anthozoans, 7 hydrozoans and 1 scyphozoan), 1 ribbon worm, 1 sipunculid, 31 species of molluscs (16 bivalves, 13 gastropods and 2 cephalopods), 13 species of polychaetes, 9 species of crustaceans, 9 species of bryozoans, 6 species of tunicates and 26 fish species were determined. The highest biodiversity and density of P. oceanica was at the station Porer, Fenoliga and Školjić, and the lowest density was on the Portić station. The most common species were Symphodus rostratus, Spirorbis sp., Halecium halecinum, Actinia equina, Calpensia nobilis, Bittium reticulatum, Cladocora caespitosa which were present at all stations. Regarding the fauna species, the highest similarity index was between stations Šekovac and Fenoliga and the lowest was between Školjić and Polje.


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