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Spatial organization and youth participation: case of the University of Ljubljana and Tokyo Metropolitan University

Authors :
Dekker, Karien
Filipovič Hrast, Maša
Uršič, Matjaž
Source :
Annales. Series historia et sociologia
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Centro di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia, 2014.


Modern society is occupied with the problem of decreasing civic engagement - an important civic virtue. In this context, higher educational institutions are important settings where participation can be learned and fostered. This article seeks to emphasize the importance of spatial organisation in higher education institutions in influencing youth participation. Namely, spatial organisation can foster or hinder civic virtues, such as civic participation and interpersonal trust. In an explorative case study of two universities, the University of Ljubljana and Tokyo Metropolitan University, we wish to illustrate the importance of place in stimulating participation. In our analysis of examples of spatial organisation from the two universities, we pay special attention to the following elements: physical organisation (e.g., building design, design of public spaces) and social/functional organisation (e.g., commercial facilities, recreational facilities). The result is a set of spatial maps indicating the frequency and nature of the use of (public) spaces. To conclude, we discuss spatial characteristics in the context of the increasing consumerism and privatisation of (public) spaces within universities. Eno ključnih vprašanj v sodobni družbi je problem zmanjševanja civilnega udejstvovanja in participacije posameznikov, še posebno med mladimi. Univerze so pomembne družbene inštitucije, v okviru katerih se lahko posamezniki učijo ter udejanjajo državljanske vrednote, med katere spada tudi participacija. V članku tako naslovimo vprašanje prostorske organizacije univerz kot pomembnega dejavnika, ki lahko vpliva na participacijo mladih. Organizacija prostora namreč lahko povečuje ali pa ovira državljanjske vrednote, kot sta participacija in zaupanje med ljudmi. V prispevku predstavljamo eksplorativno raziskavo dveh študij primerov, in sicer Univerze v Ljubljani in Univerze v Tokiju, s katerima želimo ilustrirati pomen prostora za participacijo mladih. Analizirali smo prostorsko organiziranost obeh univerz, pri čemer smo se posebej osredotočili na fizično in funkcionalno/družbeno organizacijo prostora. Rezultat so zemljevidi, ki kažejo naravo in pogostost uporabe javnih prostorov. V diskusiji se navežemo na prisotnost trendov potrošništva in privatizacije javnih prostorov v okviru univerz ter razmišljamo o njihovih posledicah za participacijo mladih.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Annales. Series historia et sociologia
Accession number :