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Institutional care - safe care

Authors :
Kreš, Anja
Neuberg, Marijana
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za sestrinstvo., 2019.


Starenje je prirodan fiziološki proces koji utječe na navike i promjene u životu pojedinaca. Ono napreduje različitom brzinom i javlja se u različitoj životnoj dobi što ovisi o pojedincu. Mijenjanje životnog standarda i unapređenje zdravstvene skrbi utječe na produljenje životnog vijeka, a time se povećava udio starijih osoba u cjelokupnoj populaciji. Proces starenja remeti uobičajenu homeostazu, uzrokuje slabljenje mnogih funkcija koje mogu dovesti do raznih bolesti i patoloških stanja te se starije osobe često nisu u mogućnosti brinuti za sebe. Sve više bolesti zahtijeva primjerenu zdravstvenu skrb koju oboljeli mogu dobiti u bolnicama i specijaliziranim institucijama. Bolnice svim pacijentima 24 sata dnevno omogućuju svu potrebnu skrb i njegu kao i ostale institucije u koje obitelji smještaju starije osobe zbog njihovoga zdravstvenog stanja. Za potrebe završnog rada provedeno je istraživanje putem Google obrasca te su se odgovori prikupljali u vremenu od 1. srpnja 2019. god. do 15. srpnja 2019. god. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 100 studenata preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Sestrinstva Varaždin. Za istraživanje je korišten prilagođeni anketni upitnik uz suglasnost autorice doc. dr. sc. Marijene Neuberg (Neuberg, M.2017., Analiza pojavnosti zanemarivanja i zlostavljanja osoba starije dobi u institucijskoj skrbi, doktorska dizertacija prema: Drennan, J., Lafferty, A., Treacy, M.P., Fealy, G., Phelan, A., Lyons, I. Hall, P. (2012) Older People in Residential Care Settings: Results of a National Survey of Staff-Resident Interactions and Conflicts. NCPOP, University College Dublin). Anketni je upitnik sadržavao i 17 tvrdnji o primjećivanju pojavnosti zanemarivanja i zlostavljanja u bolnici, od toga je prvih 8 tvrdnji mjerilo primjećivanje zanemarivanja, a ostale primjećivanje zlostavljanja. Cilj je ovog rada ispitati studente o zadovoljstvu institucijskom skrbi njihovih oboljelih članova obitelji, koliko su članovi obitelji percipirali institucijsku skrb kao sigurnu skrb odnosno doživjeli neke neželjene ishode skrbi. Sekundarni ciljevi istraživanja bili su ispitati percepciju odnosa medicinskih sestara na odjelu prema pacijentima iz perspektive članova obitelji, percepciju pomoći medicinskih sestara tijekom boravka u bolnici te kakve prijedloge studenti kao članovi obitelji pacijenata imaju za eventualna poboljšanja usluga skrbi u ustanovi. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su hipoteze o djelomičnom zadovoljstvu, odnosno većina ispitanika se izjašnjava da su donekle zadovoljni institucijskom skrbi, zatim hipotezu da su zanemarujuća ponašanja učestalija od zlostavljajućih, te hipotezu da je pomoć od strane medicinskih sestra značajan prediktor zadovoljstva institucijskom skrbi. Rezultati istraživanja nisu potvrdili hipotezu o statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj povezanosti između pokretljivosti pacijenata i neželjenih ishoda skrbi. Uvidom u rezultate trebala bi se veća pozornost pridonijeti zaštiti pacijenta i njegovoj sigurnosti od zanemarujućih i zlostavljačkih oblika ponašanja. Naročito se treba osvrnuti na edukaciju zdravstvenih djelatnika, kako bi zdravstvena skrb bila još kvalitetnija i sigurnija za pacijenta. Aging is a natural physiological process that affects habits and changes in the life of every individual. It progresses at a different pace and can occur at a distinct age, depending on the individual. The lifespan extension is highly affected by the change of living conditions and the improvement of the health care, thus increasing the proportion of older adults in the overall population. The aging process affects the ability to maintain and restore homeostasis, causing the weakening of many body functions which can lead to various diseases and pathological conditions. As a result, many older people are often unable to take proper care of themselves. More and more diseases require adequate health care in hospitals or other specialized institutions. Hospitals, as well as the other institutions in which the elderly are accommodated because of their health status, provide all the necessary care to all the patients, 24 hours a day. Regarding the purpose of the final thesis there was a survey conducted using the Google Forms, starting from July 1, 2019 until July 15, 2019. A survey was conducted among 100 undergraduate and graduate students of University North, Department of Nursing, Varaždin. Moreover, the survey was conducted using a customized questionnaire with the consent of the author, ass. prof. Marijana Neuberg, PhD, (Neuberg, M. (2017), Analysis of the occurrence of elder abuse and neglect in institutional settings, doctoral dissertation by: Drennan, J., Lafferty, A., Treacy, M.P., Fealy, G., Phelan, A., Lyons, I. Hall, P. (2012) Older People in Residential Care Settings: Results of a National Survey of Staff-Resident Interactions and Conflicts. NCPOP, University College Dublin). This customized questionnaire contained 17 statements regarding the incidence of neglect and abuse at the hospital, of which the first eight statements measured the incidence of neglect while the rest were mainly focused on the abuse. The aim of this thesis is to examine the level of students´ satisfaction with the institutional care of their sick family members, that is, did they perceive the institutional care as a safe care or did they experience some undesirable outcomes during the hospitalization. The secondary objective of the study is to examine the perceptions of the nurses towards the patients from the perspective of family members, the perceptions of the nurses' assistance during the hospitalization and what suggestions students as family members have for possible improvements in the health care service. The results of the study confirmed the hypotheses of partial satisfaction; that is, most respondents stated that they were somewhat satisfied with the institutional care. Furthermore, the hypothesis that neglectful behaviors were more frequent than abusive ones, and the hypothesis that nursing assistance was a significant predictor of institutional care satisfaction were also confirmed with the results. The study results did not confirm the hypothesis of a statistically significant positive association between patient mobility and unwanted care outcomes. By looking at the results, greater attention should be paid to protecting the patient´s safety from the neglectful and abusive behaviors. Additionally, there should be some further education for the health professionals in order to make health care better and safer for the patients.


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