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The analisys of digital distribution channels

Authors :
Petrinjak, Fran
Rogić, Kristijan
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za tehničku i gospodarsku logistiku., 2019.


Ovim završnim radom želi se pobliže prikazati i analizirati sustav distribucije primjenom suvremenih informacijskih tehnologija i vrste kanala distribucije u sve više informatiziranim uvjetima obavljanja trgovanja i poslovanja između krajnjeg korisnika i pružatelja usluga. Osvrće se na pojam distribucije, fizičke distribucije, kanale distribucije, višekanalnu distribuciju , uporabu informacijske tehnologije u aktualnim sustavima distribucije, kako je pojava interneta utjecala na maloprodaju te je navedene usporedba klasične distribucije i one digitalne naravi. The main goal of this thesis is to give a brief overview and analysis of distribution systems and how the application of modern information technologies affects them. In our more than ever computerized world they are crucial for doing business between the provider of goods and services and the end user. The thesis will go over about what distribution by itself represents, what is physical distribution, what are distribution channels, what does multichannel distribution represent, the affects of IT usage in distribution systems, how did the strong presence of the Internet affect the retail and a comparison of classical physical distribution and one of the digital kind.


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