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The role of the nurse in promoting the health of the school child

Authors :
Melnjak, Alen
Šubarić, Marin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za sestrinstvo., 2022.


U promicanju zdravlja kroz zdravstvenu zaštitu djece važno mjesto zauzimaju preventivne mjere u cilju optimizacije rasta i razvoja djece školske dobi. Fiziološki kod djece školske dobi javljaju se različite psihosomatske promjene. Upravo sistematsko praćenje rasta i razvoja djece osnova je za poduzimanje pravovremenih odgovarajućih medicinskih intervencija u cilju osiguranja zdravlja. Medicinska sestra ima važnu ulogu u neometanom pružanju sveobuhvatnih zdravstvenih usluga školskoj djeci i mladima. Sve veći broj učenika ulazi u škole s kroničnim zdravstvenim stanjima koja zahtijevaju upravljanje tijekom školskog dana. Uloga medicinske sestre kao člana multidisciplinarnog tima je pružanje preventivne skrbi, rano prepoznavanje problema, provođenje intervencija i pružanje preporuka za poticanje zdravstvenog i obrazovnog uspjeha. Za optimalnu brigu o djeci važni su čimbenici uspjeha, priprema, kontinuirano obrazovanje i odgovarajuće osoblje te medicinske sestre. Daju se preporuke kako bi se olakšao radni odnos između medicinske sestre i djeteta zajedno sa članovima njegove obitelji. Cilj rada je opisati rast i razvoj djece školske dobi, znakove rizičnog ponašanja, zaštitu od zaraznih bolesti, prehranu, opisati standarde i smjernice za praćenje istih s naglaskom na ulogu medicinske sestre u pružanju skrbi. In the promotion of health through the health care of children, an important place is occupied by preventive measures aimed at optimizing the growth and development of school-age children. Physiologically, school-aged children experience various psychosomatic changes. Precisely the systematic monitoring of the growth and development of children is the basis for undertaking timely and appropriate medical interventions in order to ensure health. The nurse plays an important role in the uninterrupted provision of comprehensive health services to school children and young people. An increasing number of students are entering schools with chronic health conditions that require management during the school day. The role of the nurse as a member of the multidisciplinary team is to provide preventive care, early identification of problems, implementation of interventions and recommendations to encourage health and educational success. Preparation, continuing education and appropriate staff and nurses are important success factors for optimal child care. Recommendations are given to facilitate the working relationship between the nurse and the child together with his family members. The aim of the paper is to describe the growth and development of school-age children, signs of risky behavior, protection against infectious diseases, nutrition, to describe standards and guidelines for monitoring them with an emphasis on the role of the nurse in providing care.


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