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CNC machine tending robotic cell
- Publication Year :
- 2023
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin., 2023.
- U ovom završnom radu detaljno je prikazan postupak automatizacije procesa rada CNC stroja. Nekada su većinu poslova obavljali ljudi, no budući da današnji sustavi zahtijevaju višu razinu kvalitete, rad ljudi zamijenili su roboti pa je većina sustava automatizirana. Kako bi se postigao zahtijevani stupanj automatizacije proizvodni procesi koriste industrijske robote. U prvom dijelu završnog rada detaljno su opisani alatni strojevi tj. obradni centri i roboti te će se prikazati njihov značaj. Također je opisana programska oprema uz pomoć koje je postupak automatizacije realiziran. Cjelokupna automatizacija ovog proizvodnog sustava temelji se na principu odaberi i pusti odnosno „Pick and Place" operaciji industrijskog robota. Simulacija je projektirana u programskom alatu ABB RobotSudio u kojem se koristiti RAPID programski jezik. Dijelovi proizvodne linije i radnog okruženja kreirani su uz pomoć CAD programskog paketa SOLIDWORKS 2020. CNC stroj odabran je u skladu s već viđenim strojevima u sličnim industrijskim okruženjima. Cijeli proces stvaranja simulacije prikazan je korak po korak s odgovarajućim slikama. In this final thesis, the process of automation of the CNC machine work process is presented in detail. In the past, most of the work was done by humans, but since today's systems require a higher level of system quality, the work of humans has been replaced by robots, so most of it is automated. In order to achieve the required level of automation, industrial robots are used in production processes. In the first part of the final thesis, machine tools are described in detail, i.e. machining centers and robots, and their importance will be presented. The software used to realize the automation process is also described. The entire automation of this production system is based on the principle of „Pick and Place“ operation of an industrial robot. The simulation was designed in the ABB RobotSudio programming tool, which uses the RAPID programming language. Parts of the production line and the working environment were created with the help of CAD software SOLIDWORKS 2020.The CNC machine is selected according to the machines already seen in similar industrial environments. The whole process of creating the simulation is shown step by step with corresponding pictures.
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3702..29e9a9da3470e3248289b2896fc66f20