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Political Correctness in Hollywood: 1980-2010
- Publication Year :
- 2021
- Publisher :
- Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet političkih znanosti., 2021.
- Politička korektnost je za neke pozitivan pojam, dok je za druge taj pojam sinonim za svojevrsna ograničenja i cenzure u stvaralaštvu i drugim sferama života. U ovom radu ću pokušati kroz analizu komedija prikazati koliko su se stvari promijenile i poboljšale za marginalizirane i potlačene društvene skupine, te tako na primjeru Hollywooda pokazati kako se filmska industrija od jednog izrazito politički nekorektnog mjesta, pretvorila u politički korektnu mašineriju, koja ju u jednu ruku ograničava u stvaranju novih materijala dok u drugu pruža šire i ozbiljnije mogućnosti i prilike za one skupine i pojedince koji su do sada bili marginalizirani i čije priče nisu mogle doći do mainstream publike. Također kroz analizu u radu možemo vidjeti kako su se ukusi i kriteriji publike s vremenom promijenili, pa tako ono što se nekada smatralo humorističnim se danas možda osuđuje i kritizira. S obzirom na to da su filmovi odraz duha i kulture vremena, tako kroz ovaj rad možemo vidjeti kako je i svijet tijekom vremena sve više postajao tolerantniji i pažljiviji prema marginaliziranim skupinama, pa tako danas živimo u vremenu kada su priče koje nam oni pričaju izrazito bitne u edukaciji i prosvjećivanju publike.<br />Political correctness, is for some a positive notion, while for others the notion is synonymous with a type of restriction and censorship in creativity and other spheres of life. In this thesis, through the analysis of comedy genre I will try to show how much things have changed and improved for marginalized and oppressed social groups, and thus by the example of Hollywood, express how the film industry has turned from a highly politically incorrect place into a politically correct machinery. For some, it restricts creation of new content while for others it provides wider and more broad possibilities and opportunities, especially for groups and individuals who have been marginalized and whose stories could not reach a mainstream audience. Also, through the analysis in this thesis we can see how the tastes and criteria of audiences have changed over time, so what was once considered humorous today may be condemned and criticized. Given that films are a reflection of the times and culture, through this work we can possibly see how the world has become more tolerant and attentive to marginalized groups, whose stories are essential in educating and enlightening the modern audience.
- Subjects :
- Afroamerički stereotipi
Filmska Industrija
Magical Negro
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism
Movie Industry
Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Afroamerican Stereotypes
Politička Korektnost
DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo
Political Correctness
- Language :
- Croatian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3700..a5187339c4ea680a76e9e712c6a16cc0