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Punk and Politics - Motives and Themes in British Punk Music

Authors :
Macešan, Nikolina
Grbeša-Zenzerović, Marijana
Jakopović, Hrvoje
Gluvačević, Dejan
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Publisher :
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Fakultet političkih znanosti., 2023.


Punk se kao žanr u Velikoj Britaniji pojavljuje krajem 1970-ih godina te svoju najveću popularnost doživljava tada te tijekom 1980-ih godina. U tom periodu je inspirirao nekoliko društveno aktivističkih pokreta koji su se iskazali kao otpor rastućoj desnici, dok su i sami izvođači i pripadnici punk subkulture javno iskazivali mišljenja o tadašnjoj političkoj i društvenoj situaciji. Stoga ovaj rad za svrhu ima identificiranje motiva i tema koji se najviše pojavljuju u društveno-politički angažiranim britanskim punk pjesmama pojavom samog punk žanra i tijekom njegove najveće popularnosti u Velikoj Britaniji. Istraživanje je rađeno na 128 pjesama koje svojim sadržajem odgovaraju nekoj političkoj, socijalnoj ili ekonomskoj situaciji spomenutih perioda te su postale teme punk pjesama, a dio su albuma koji su postigli barem srebrnu nakladu. U istraživanju je korištena analiza sadržaja.<br />Punk as a genre appeared in Great Britain at the end of the 1970s and experienced its greatest popularity then and during the 1980s. In that period, it inspired several social activist movements that expressed themselves as resistance to the growing right, while the performers themselves and members of the punk subculture publicly expressed their opinions about the political and social situation at the time. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to identify the motifs and themes that appear most in socio-politically engaged British punk songs with the emergence of the punk genre itself and during its greatest popularity in Great Britain. The research was done on 128 songs whose content corresponded to political, social, or economic situation of the mentioned periods and became the themes of punk songs and are part of albums that achieved at least a silver certification. Content analysis was used in the research.


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