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Reporting on COVID-19 in Prime Time Daily News Programmes on the Three National Television Broadcasters in Croatia

Authors :
Hamzić, Mirela
Perišin, Tena
Kanižaj, Igor
Beck, Boris
Publication Year :


Pandemija COVID-19 najveća je kriza posljednjih desetljeća. Cijeli svijet suočio se s pojavom novom soja koronavirusa koji se širi među ljudima. Zabrana okupljanja, ograničenja putovanja, poštivanje strogih epidemioloških mjera svakako je utjecalo na promjenu medijskih rutina. Svrha ovog rada je analizom sadržaja središnjih informativnih emisija odrediti glavna obilježja izvještavanja o pandemiji na tri televizije s nacionalnom koncesijom u Hrvatskoj. Analiza je uključila različite oblike novinarskog izvještavanja u Dnevniku 2 HTV-a, Dnevniku Nove TV i informativnoj emisiji RTL „Danas“. Uzorak analize čine vijesti o pandemiji navedenih emisija iz ožujka i travnja te listopada i studenoga u 2020. godini. Ovi specifični periodi odabrani su jer su označavali prvi i drugi val krize. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je intervju najčešće korišten oblik izvještavanja o koronavirusu. Upravo kod ovog oblika uočena je nova redakcijska praksa nastala zbog pojave virusa. Naime, zbog izvanrednih okolnosti, reportersko javljanje uživo u najvećoj mjeri se koristilo kako bi se odradio intervju s gostom. Također je često korišten i hibridni oblik zbirni izvještaj u kojem su objedinjene vijesti iz različitih regija Hrvatske ili izvještaj s vijestima iz više zemalja svijeta. U kontekstu koronavirusa najzastupljenije teme bile su gospodarstvo i obrazovanje. Pandemija je u ovim područjima donijela niz novih praksi kao što su rad od kuće i nastava na daljinu. Ovom je analizom također potvrđeno da je glavni izvor informacija na sve tri televizije nacionalni Stožer civilne zaštite. Osim četiri člana Stožera, često se pojavljuju i liječnici, epidemiolozi te ministri. Prema uočenim karakteristikama izvještavanja potvrđena je glavna hipoteza da ne postoji značajna razlika u izvještavanju o pandemiji COVID-19 na javnom servisu (HTV) i komercijalnim televizijama (Nova TV i RTL).<br />The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest global crisis in decades. The whole world has faced the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus that is spreading among humans. The ban on gatherings, travel restrictions, and adherence to strict epidemiological measures have certainly influenced the change in media routines. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the content of prime time daily news programmes to determine the main features of reporting on pandemic on the three national television broadcasters in Croatia. The analysis included various forms of reporting in Dnevnik 2 on the Croatian public broadcasting service and two commercial television broadcasters Dnevnik Nove TV and RTL "Danas". The sample of the analysis includes news about the pandemic of these programmes from March and April and October and November in 2020. These specific periods were chosen because they marked the first and the second waves of the crisis. The results of the research show that the interview is the most common form of reporting on coronavirus. It is in this form that a new editorial practice has emerged due to the emergence of the virus. Namely, due to extraordinary circumstances, live reporting was mostly used to conduct an interview with a guest. A hybrid form of report is also often used, which combines news from different regions of Croatia or a report with news from several countries around the world. In the context of the coronavirus, the most common topics were the economy and education. The pandemic has brought a number of new practices in these domains such as working from home and online learning. This analysis also confirmed that the main source of information on all three televisions is the National Civil Protection Headquarters. Besides them, doctors, epidemiologists and ministers often appear as a source of news. According to the observed characteristics of reporting, the main hypothesis was confirmed - there is no significant difference in reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic on public service (HTV) and commercial television broadcasters (Nova TV and RTL).


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