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Gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic-ray physics with ARGO-YBJ

Authors :
The ARGO YBJ Collaboration B. Bartoli
2 P. Bernardini
4 X. J. Bi
5 C. Bleve
6 I. Bolognino
8 P. Branchini
9 A. Budano
9 A. K. Calabrese Melcarne
10 P. Camarri
12 Z. Cao
5 R. Cardarelli
12 S. Catalanotti
2 C. Cattaneo
8 S. Z. Chen
5 T. L. Chen
13 Y. Chen
5 P. Creti
4 S. W. Cui
14 B. Z. Dai
15 G. D’Al´ı Staiti
17 Danzengluobu
13 M. Dattoli
18, 19
20 I. De Mitri
4 B. D’Ettorre Piazzoli
2 T. Di Girolamo
2 X. H. Ding
13 G. Di Sciascio
12 C. F. Feng
21 Zhaoyang Feng
13 Zhenyong Feng
22 E. Giroletti
8 Q. B. Gou
5 Y. Q. Guo
5 H. H. He
5 Haibing Hu
13 Hongbo Hu
5 Q. Huang
22 M. Iacovacci
2 R. Iuppa
12 I. James
9 H. Y. Jia
22 Labaciren
13 H. J. Li
13 J. Y. Li
21 X. X. Li
5 G. Liguori
8 C. Liu
5 C. Q. Liu
15 J. Liu
15 M. Y. Liu
13 H. Lu
5 X. H. Ma
5 G. Mancarella
3, 4
9 G. Marsella
24 D. Martello
4 S. Mastroianni
2 P. Montini
9 C. C. Ning
13 A. Pagliaro
25 M. Panareo
24 B. Panico
12 L. Perrone
24 P. Pistilli
9 X. B. Qu
21 F. Ruggieri
9 P. Salvini
8 R. Santonico
12 P. R. Shen
5 X. D. Sheng
5 F. Shi
5 C. Stanescu
9 A. Surdo
4 Y. H. Tan
5 P. Vallania
19 S. Vernetto
19 C. Vigorito
20 B. Wang
5 H. Wang
5 C. Y. Wu
5 H. R. Wu
5 B. Xu
22 L. Xue
21 X. X. Yan
15 Q. Y. Yang
15 X. C. Yang
15 Z. G. Yao
5 A. F. Yuan
13 M. Zha
5 H. M. Zhang
5 Jilong Zhang
5 Jianli Zhang
5 L. Zhang
15 P. Zhang
15 X. Y. Zhang
21 Y. Zhang
5 Zhaxiciren
13 Zhaxisangzhu
13 X. X. Zhou
22 F. R. Zhu
22 Q. Q. Zhu
G. Zizzi10
MARI, Stefano Maria
Bartoli, The ARGO YBJ Collaboration B.
Bernardini, 2 P.
4 X. J., Bi
Bleve, 5 C.
Bolognino, 6 I.
Branchini, 8 P.
Budano, 9 A.
Calabrese Melcarne, 9 A. K.
Camarri, 10 P.
Cao, 12 Z.
Cardarelli, 5 R.
Catalanotti, 12 S.
Cattaneo, 2 C.
Chen, 8 S. Z.
Chen, 5 T. L.
Chen, 13 Y.
Creti, 5 P.
Cui, 4 S. W.
Dai, 14 B. Z.
D’Al´ı Staiti, 15 G.
Danzengluobu, 17
Dattoli, 13 M.
19, 18
De Mitri, 20 I.
D’Ettorre Piazzoli, 4 B.
Di Girolamo, 2 T.
Ding, 2 X. H.
Di Sciascio, 13 G.
Feng, 12 C. F.
21 Zhaoyang Feng
13 Zhenyong Feng
Giroletti, 22 E.
Gou, 8 Q. B.
Guo, 5 Y. Q.
5 H. H., He
5 Haibing Hu
13 Hongbo Hu
Huang, 5 Q.
Iacovacci, 22 M.
Iuppa, 2 R.
James, 12 I.
Jia, 9 H. Y.
Labaciren, 22
13 H. J., Li
13 J. Y., Li
21 X. X., Li
Liguori, 5 G.
Liu, 8 C.
Liu, 5 C. Q.
Liu, 15 J.
Liu, 15 M. Y.
13 H., Lu
5 X. H., Ma
Mancarella, 5 G.
3, 4
Mari, Stefano Maria
Marsella, 9 G.
Martello, 24 D.
Mastroianni, 4 S.
Montini, 2 P.
Ning, 9 C. C.
Pagliaro, 13 A.
Panareo, 25 M.
Panico, 24 B.
Perrone, 12 L.
Pistilli, 24 P.
9 X. B., Qu
Ruggieri, 21 F.
Salvini, 9 P.
Santonico, 8 R.
Shen, 12 P. R.
Sheng, 5 X. D.
Shi, 5 F.
Stanescu, 5 C.
Surdo, 9 A.
Tan, 4 Y. H.
Vallania, 5 P.
Vernetto, 19 S.
Vigorito, 19 C.
Wang, 20 B.
Wang, 5 H.
5 C. Y., Wu
5 H. R., Wu
5 B., Xu
Xue, 22 L.
Yan, 21 X. X.
Yang, 15 Q. Y.
Yang, 15 X. C.
Yao, 15 Z. G.
Yuan, 5 A. F.
Zha, 13 M.
Zhang, 5 H. M.
5 Jilong Zhang
5 Jianli Zhang
Zhang, 5 L.
Zhang, 15 P.
Zhang, 15 X. Y.
Zhang, 21 Y.
Zhaxiciren, 5
Zhaxisangzhu, 13
Zhou, 13 X. X.
Zhu, 22 F. R.
Zhu, 22 Q. Q.
Zizzi10, G.
Publication Year :


The ARGO-YBJ detector, located 4300 m a.s.l. on the Tibet plateau, is a ground-based, full- coverage array of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) covering a surface of 78×74 m2, surrounded by a guard ring of RPCs enclosing a total surface of about 11000 m2. ARGO-YBJ was designed to detect extensive air showers generated by cosmic rays and gamma rays with primary energy greater than few hundred GeV, in order to study the region of the cosmic-ray spectrum out of the reach of both satellite-based experiments and traditional ground-based arrays. The experiment has been running with its complete layout since November 2007, collecting over 2:5×1011 events. The main results obtained by ARGO-YBJ will be presented here, and specifically: the monitoring of astronomical gamma-ray sources, such as the Crab nebula and the MRK 421 AGN, the moon shadow, the medium-scale anisotropy map, the proton-proton inelastic cross section at center-of- mass energy between 70 and 500 GeV where no accelerator data are available.


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