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Climate and food safety knowledge of student canteen employees in three European countries

Authors :
Tišljar, Petra
Vidaček Filipec, Sanja
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Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet. Zavod za prehrambeno-tehnološko inženjerstvo. Laboratorij za tehnologiju mesa i ribe., 2020.


Cilj ovog rada je procijeniti znanje djelatnika i ozračje sigurnosti hrane u odabranim studentskim kantinama u Hrvatskoj, Portugalu i Mađarskoj ispunjavanjem modificiranih verzija upitnika dostupnih u znanstvenim publikacijama. Obrada podataka za svaku od navedenih zemalja provedena je prethodno, a u ovom radu uspoređuje se ozračje i znanje djelatnika o sigurnosti hrane svih triju zemalja analizom 528 važećih upitnika, identificira se profil zaposlenika i objekata s obzirom na percepciju i znanje o sigurnosti hrane te utvrđuju manjkavosti u znanju djelatnika studentskih kantina. Postotak znanja o sigurnosti hrane ispitanika iznosi 53,6 %, pri čemu su najbolje rezultate ostvarili ispitanici iz Hrvatske (57,8 %), s obzirom na Portugal i Mađarsku (43,4 % i 45,1 %). Percepcija ozračja o sigurnosti hrane u objektima podjednako je dobra u sve tri države. Utvrđeno je da djelatnici koji su prošli obuku o sigurnosti hrane imaju više znanje o sigurnosti hrane i bolje percipiraju ozračje u objektima. The goal of this paper was to assess employee knowledge and food safety climate in a selection of student canteens in Croatia, Portugal and Hungary. This is achieved via modified questionnaires available in scientific publications. Data for each of the aforementioned countries have been analysed beforehand. This paper compares the atmosphere to the employee knowledge in food safety in each of the countries. Using the 528 valid questionnaires, employee and object profile is identified as it relates to differences between perception and knowledge on food safety as it was demonstrated by the employees. Deficiencies in employee knowledge are identified. The knowledge percentage average among all of the states is 53,6 %. Croatia had the best result (57,8 %), with results in Portugal and Hungary being slightly lower (43,4 % and 45,1 %, respectively). Food safety climate perception is roughly equal in all three countries. The paper concludes that trained personnel are more knowledgeable and have better perception of the food safety climate in their objects.


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