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Pomen in sporočilo atributov (orodij) izbranih svetnikov

Authors :
Trunk, Tjaša
Krajnc, Slavko
Publication Year :
Publisher :
T. Trunk, 2017.


V diplomsko seminarskem delu z naslovom Pomen in sporočilo atributov (orodij) izbranih svetnikov avtorica opredeli, kaj so to znamenja, kakšen je njihov pomen in vloga v vsakdanjem življenju ter zakaj pogosto prihaja do njihovih nerazumevanj. Predstavi tudi pomembna znamenja, ki se odvijajo pri bogoslužnem obredu (stojo, kretnjo klečanja, ležanje na tleh, sedenje, kretnje rok, tihoto, kretnjo umivanja rok, kretnjo trkanja na prsi, poklekovanje, priklanjanje, bogoslužni poljub, obred pokaditve, prihod k oltarju, pokropitev, obhajilo, procesijo, prinašanje darov in romanje). Poleg vseh naštetih znamenj poda tudi kratke opise in njihovo vlogo ter zakaj so tako pomembna. V nadaljevanju avtorica predstavi sedemindvajset svetnikov, ki so razdeljeni v pet skupin glede na svoje atribute ‒ orodja. Poda njihove ključne življenjske podatke in podrobno opiše, zakaj ima vsak svetnik določen ikonografski atribut. Predstavi tudi njihovo duhovno sporočilo. Na koncu se osredotoči še na izraz Božje lepote in njegove povezanosti z umetnostjo, kjer nakaže, zakaj sta v teološkem smislu ta dva izraza tako pomembna. Avtorica je pri svojem delu uporabila različne raziskovalne metode, in sicer deskriptivno metodo, metodo klasifikacije ter metodi sinteze in analize. Z njimi je dosegla naslednje cilje čim bolj natančno opredelitev znamenj, atributov svetnikov, predstavitev orodij izbranih svetnikov ter na koncu še njihovo sporočilo in njihov pomen. In the graduation seminar entitled The Meaning and the Message of Attributes (tools) of the Selected Saints, the author defines, what signs are, what their significance and role in everyday life is, and why they are often misunderstood. She also presents important postures, and gestures which occur during the liturgical ritual (standing, kneeling, prostration, sitting, movements of the hands, silence, hand washing gesture, striking the breast, genuflection, bowing, the Holy Kiss, the Incense ritual, approaching the altar, the Rite of Sprinkling, The Holy Communion, the procession, the bringing of gifts and the pilgrimage). Additionally, all of the mentioned postures and gestures are described and their role and their importance are mentioned. Furthermore, the author presents twenty-seven saints, divided into five groups according to their attributes ‒ the tools. Their key life information is presented and the reason, why each saint has a certain iconographic attribute is explained in detail. Their spiritual message is also presented. Finally, the author focuses on the expression of God's beauty and its connection to art, and indicates why these two terms are so important in the theological sense. In her work, the author used various research methods: descriptive method, classification method, and the synthesis and analysis methods. As a result, the following goals were achieved: the most precise definition of signs and attributes of saints, presentation of the tools of the selected saints, and finally, their message and significance.


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